9999999-devThis bundle generates a list of shell aliases for commands registered in the Symfony application
The Requires
by Pablo Godel
cli shell aliases
This bundle generates a list of shell aliases for commands registered in the Symfony application
The ServerGroveShellAliasBundle is a Symfony2 bundle that generates a list of shell aliases for commands registered in the Symfony application. The list of aliases can then be included in /etc/bash_profile or ~/.profile configuration files so the commands can be autocompleted with the tab key., (*1)
$ php app/console generate:shell:aliases $ php app/console generate:shell:aliases --prefix=myapp --php=/usr/local/bin/php --absolute
The list of aliases that it generates would look like this:, (*2)
alias console-help="php app/console help" alias console-list="php app/console list" alias console-assets-install="php app/console assets:install" alias console-cache-clear="php app/console cache:clear" alias console-cache-warmup="php app/console cache:warmup" alias console-config-dump-reference="php app/console config:dump-reference" alias console-container-debug="php app/console container:debug" alias console-router-dump-apache="php app/console router:dump-apache" alias console-router-debug="php app/console router:debug" alias console-router-match="php app/console router:match" alias console-server-run="php app/console server:run" alias console-translation-update="php app/console translation:update" alias console-init-acl="php app/console init:acl" alias console-twig-lint="php app/console twig:lint" alias console-swiftmailer-spool-send="php app/console swiftmailer:spool:send" alias console-assetic-dump="php app/console assetic:dump"
Then, you can start typing the name of the command and auto-complete with the tab key: console-s[TAB] will complete to console-server-run., (*3)
If the absolute option is defined, the aliases will include the absolute path of the Symfony application, so you can call these commands from anywhere in the filesystem., (*4)
Add the bundle with Composer:, (*5)
$ php composer.phar require "servergrove/shell-alias-bundle dev-master"
Enable it in your app/AppKernel.php, (*6)
public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( ... new ServerGrove\Bundle\ShellAliasBundle\ServerGroveShellAliasBundle(), ); ... }
This bundle generates a list of shell aliases for commands registered in the Symfony application
cli shell aliases