The Requires
by Uwe Klawitter
json doctrine entity data
The Requires
by Uwe Klawitter
json bundle doctrine entity
Symfony2 Bundle that can help building REST services., (*1)
Providing a REST service that returns a list of contacts linked with companies. The service has to deliver something like that:, (*2)
[{ "id": 1181, "address": null, "email": "", "firstname": "Max", "lastname": "Mustermann", "company": 7 } , { "id" : 1177, "address" : null, "email" : "", "firstname" : "Uwe", "lastname" : "Klawitter", "company": 298 }]
To generate this, some Doctrine entities have to be loaded from a repository and converted into json. Performing an json_encode() to on the entities won't work, because the entity contains proxy objects to the company. To solve this, the DoctrineBinder can be used:, (*3)
// loading the entity manager to create the doctrine binder instance $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager(); // create a doctrine binder, bind the models that have been loaded before and execute the binder. The execute // method will iterate over the models and return an array containing stdClass objects with all values defined // by getters. $result = DoctrineBinder::create($em)->bind($models)->execute(); // finally the result has to be converted into json to return it as an response $json = Dencoder::decode($result);
json doctrine entity data
json bundle doctrine entity