The Requires
by Vyacheslav Slinko
Symfony2 Bundle with Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework and adopted templates., (*1)
Run this command in your project directory:, (*2)
``` bash $ composer.phar require rithis/bootstrap-bundle:@dev, (*3)
After that enable bundle in the kernel: ``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Rithis\BootstrapBundle\RithisBootstrapBundle(), ); }
If you want just include Bootstrap files in your project
then run php app/console assets:install
and include Bootstrap:, (*4)
``` html , (*5)
### Base Template You can extend our base template `RithisBoootstrapBundle::base.html.twig` with Bootstrap included for fast start ### Form Theme We adopt Symfony2 form theme for Bootstrap. You can enable theme globally: ``` yaml twig: form: resources: - form_div_layout.html.twig - RithisBootstrapBundle::form.html.twig
Or you can add theme to specific form:, (*6)
{% form_theme form with ["RithisBootstrapBundle::form.html.twig"] %}