Step 1: Download the Bundle
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the
following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:, (*1)
$ composer require relief_applications/symfony-request-validator-bundle @dev
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained
in the installation chapter
of the Composer documentation., (*2)
Step 2: Enable the Bundle
Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles
in the app/AppKernel.php
file of your project:, (*3)
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new RA\RequestValidatorBundle\RARequestValidatorBundle(),
Step 3: Configuration
# app/config/services.yml according to your project path
- { resource: "@RARequestValidatorBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }
Step 4: Default routing
To test our default controller, (*4)
# app/config/routing.yml according to your project path
resource: "@RARequestValidatorBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Step 5: Usage
1. Define a custom constraints class
this class should extend RA\RequestValidatorBundle\RequestValidator\Constraints. The list of constraints is available here, (*5)
namespace RequestValidatorBundle\Custom;
use RA\RequestValidatorBundle\RequestValidator\Constraints as RequestValidatorConstraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Choice;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Collection;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\GreaterThan;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotEqualTo;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Optional;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Type;
* TopicsConstraints
* A special class for topic constraints
class TopicsConstraints extends RequestValidatorConstraints
protected function configure() : array
//Reusable rules can be store into variables starting by 'common'
$commonCategoryId = new Optional ([
new Type('numeric'),
new GreaterThan(0)
$commonNotBlank = new NotBlank();
return [
'topics' => [
// rules for URI fields
'query' => new Collection([
'method' => new Optional ([new Choice(['by'])]),
'category_id' => $commonCategoryId
// rules for POSTED fields
'request' => new Collection([
'category_id' => $commonCategoryId,
'title' => $commonNotBlank,
'description' => $commonNotBlank,
'message' => $commonNotBlank
// rules for ANY fields
'topics2' => new Collection([
'category_id' => $commonCategoryId,
'title' => $commonNotBlank,
'description' => $commonNotBlank,
'message' => $commonNotBlank
2. Using annotations
use RequestValidatorBundle\Custom\TopicsConstraints; //our custom constraints class
use RA\RequestValidatorBundle\Annotations\ValidateQuery;
use RA\RequestValidatorBundle\Annotations\ValidateRequest;
class TopicController extends Controller
* @Get("/", name="get_all_topics")
* @ValidateQuery( configuration="topics", constraintsClass=TopicsConstraints::class)
* Get a table of all the topics
public function getAllAction(Request $request){
$categoryId = $request->get('category_id');
* @Post("/", name="create_topic")
* @ValidateRequest( configuration="topics", constraintsClass=TopicsConstraints::class)
* Get a table of all the topics
public function createAction(Request $request){
$categoryId = $request->request->get('category_id');
$title = $request->request->get('title');
$description = $request->request->get('description');
$messageContent = $request->request->get('message');
3. Using functions
use RequestValidatorBundle\Custom\TopicsConstraints; //our custom constraints class
use RA\RequestValidatorBundle\RequestValidator\ValidationException as RequestValidatorValidationException;
class TopicController extends Controller
* @Get("/", name="get_all_topics")
* Get a table of all the topics
public function getAllAction(Request $request){
try {
$validator = $this->get('request_validator');
} catch (RequestValidatorValidationException $e) {
return new JsonResponse($e->getErrors(), $e->getCode());
$categoryId = $request->get('category_id');
* @Post("/", name="create_topic")
* Get a table of all the topics
public function createAction(Request $request){
try {
$validator = $this->get('request_validator');
} catch (RequestValidatorValidationException $e) {
return new JsonResponse($e->getErrors(), $e->getCode());
$categoryId = $request->request->get('category_id');
$title = $request->request->get('title');
$description = $request->request->get('description');
$messageContent = $request->request->get('message');
4. Using ValidateAny
This method check both, URI and posted parameters. When using ValidateAny, the configuration defined into the constraints class can only contain a constraints collection. Here we use topics2. ValidateAny can also be used as a function in the controller body. For now, ValidateAny will merge request fields and query fields if they have the same name., (*6)
use RequestValidatorBundle\Custom\TopicsConstraints; //our custom constraints class
use RA\RequestValidatorBundle\Annotations\ValidateAny;
class TopicController extends Controller
* @Get("/", name="get_all_topics")
* @ValidateAny( configuration="topics2", constraintsClass=TopicsConstraints::class)
* Get a table of all the topics
public function getAllAction(Request $request){
$categoryId = $request->get('category_id');
* @Post("/", name="create_topic")
* @ValidateAny( configuration="topics2", constraintsClass=TopicsConstraints::class)
* Get a table of all the topics
public function createAction(Request $request){
$categoryId = $request->request->get('category_id');
$title = $request->request->get('title');
$description = $request->request->get('description');
$messageContent = $request->request->get('message');