9999999-devThis bundle help you to test if your code follows psr-1/psr-2 standard
The Requires
- php >=5.3.2
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 3.*
- phpmd/phpmd @stable
by RAMASY Heritier . A
bundle symfony psr-2 psr-1
This bundle help you to test if your code follows psr-1/psr-2 standard
This bundle helps you to improve your code design,style and structure on a symfony project, Features include:, (*1)
Read the Documentation, (*2)
1 Add to your composer.json file, (*3)
{ "require": { "ramasy/psrize": "dev-master" } }
2 Run composer update, (*4)
``` shell $ composer update ramasy/psrize, (*5)
**3** Register the bundle in ``app/AppKernel.php`` ``` php $bundles = array( // ... new Ramasy\PsrizeBundle\RamasyPsrizeBundle(), );
4 Run, (*6)
$ php bin/console app:psrize path_to_a_directory
, (*7)
path_to_a_directory represent a relative path from the directory src/ of your symfony project, (*8)
Example :, (*9)
the correct relative path for the directory youApp/src/AppBundle/Controller is AppBundle/Controller, (*10)
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle, (*11)
Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker., (*12)
This bundle help you to test if your code follows psr-1/psr-2 standard
bundle symfony psr-2 psr-1