Adds container managed transactions for doctrine base persistence in controller actions., (*1)
All you need to do to get an action covered by a transaction, is to add the annotation:, (*2)
use Pluess\DoctrineTrxBundle\Annotation\DoctrineTrx as ContainerTransaction;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* @Route("/my_route")
class MyController extends Controller
* @Route("/do-something", name = "do_something")
* @ContainerTransaction
public function applyAction(Request $request)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()
// Do whatever you want to do via doctrine.
// The annotation makes sure it's properly covered by a transaction.
Add this to your composer.json
and do a composer update
:, (*3)
"pluess/doctrine-trx-bundle": "dev-master", (*4)
Add this line to your AppKernel.php
:, (*5)
new Pluess\DoctrineTrxBundle\PluessDoctrineTrxBundle(), (*6)
There are a lot of people I'm learning from. The main learnings for this bundle are coming from, (*7)
Feel free to open issues if you have problems with the bundle., (*8)