9999999-devA Symfony Bundle for Changelly APIs
The Requires
- ext-curl *
- ext-json *
- php >=7.0.0
- mashape/unirest-php ^3.0
bundle symfony client crypto exchange changelly
A Symfony Bundle for Changelly APIs
A Symfony Bundle for Changelly APIs, (*1)
composer require paneedesign/changelly-bundle
<?php // app/AppKernel.php // ... class AppKernel extends Kernel { public function registerBundles() { $bundles = [ // ... new PaneeDesign\ChangellyBundle\PedChangellyBundle(), ]; // ... } // ... }
$changelly = $this->get('ped_changelly.handler');
Description: + Returns a list of enabled currencies as a flat array., (*2)
result:, (*3)
[ "btc", "eth", "etc", "exp", "xem", "lsk", "xmr", "strat", "rep", "lbc", "maid", "ltc", "bcn", "xrp", "doge", "amp", "nxt", "dash", "xdn", "nbt", "nav", "pot", "gnt", "waves", "usdt", "swt", "mln", "pivx", "trst", "edg", "rlc", "gno", "dcr", "gup", "lun", "str", "bat", "ant", "bnt", "cvc", "eos", "pay", "bch", "omg", "mco", "adx", "zrx", "qtum", "ptoy", "storj", "cfi", "hmq", "nmr", "salt", "btg", "dgb", "dnt", "vib", "rcn", "zcl", "stx", "kmd", "brd", "dcn", "ngc", "xmo", "noah", "zen" ]
Description: + Returns a full list of currencies as an array of objects. Each object has an "enabled" field displaying current availability of a coin., (*4)
result:, (*5)
[ { "name": "btc", "fullName": "Bitcoin", "enabled": true, "image": "" }, { "name": "eth", "fullName": "Ethereum", "enabled": true, "image": "" }, { "name": "etc", "fullName": "Ethereum Classic", "enabled": true, "image": "" }, (...) { "name": "zen", "fullName": "Zencash", "enabled": true, "image": "" } ]
Description: + Returns a minimum allowed payin amount required for a currency pair. Amounts less than a minimal will most likely fail the transaction., (*6)
$changelly->getMinAmount('btc', 'eth');
result:, (*7)
Description: + Returns estimated exchange value with your API partner fee included., (*8)
$changelly->getExchangeAmount('btc', 'eth', '1');
result:, (*9)
Description: + Creates a new transaction, generates a pay-in address and returns Transaction object with an ID field to track a transaction status., (*10)
$changelly->createTransaction('btc', 'eth', '0x123123...123', 0.3);
result:, (*11)
{ "id": "854e8d7dc9ef", "apiExtraFee": "0", "changellyFee": "0.5", "payinExtraId": null, "status": "new", "currencyFrom": "btc", "currencyTo": "eth", "amountTo": 0, "payinAddress": "36P9TNYPbZrGs8Udn84F9uAY95VYM2Xk4K", "payoutAddress": "0x123123...123", "createdAt": "2018-05-04T15:15:02.000Z" }
Description: + Returns status of a given transaction using a transaction ID provided., (*12)
result:, (*13)
Description: + Returns an array of all transactions or a filtered list of transactions., (*14)
result:, (*15)
[ { "id": "854e8d7dc9ef", "createdAt": 1525446902, "payinConfirmations": "0", "status": "waiting", "currencyFrom": "btc", "currencyTo": "eth", "payinAddress": "36P9TNYPbZrGs8Udn84F9uAY95VYM2Xk4K", "payinExtraId": null, "payinHash": null, "payoutAddress": "0x123123...123", "payoutExtraId": null, "payoutHash": null, "amountFrom": "", "amountTo": "0", "networkFee": null, "changellyFee": "0.5", "apiExtraFee": "0" }, (...) ]
A Symfony Bundle for Changelly APIs
bundle symfony client crypto exchange changelly