# NetLabsSMSGatewayBundle
SMS Gateway for serwersms.pl API, (*1)
## Installation
"require": {
"netlabs/sms-gateway-bundle": "1.0.*"
new NetLabs\SMSGatewayBundle\NetLabsSMSGatewayBundle()
## Configuration
# serwersms.pl
username: testuser
password: testpassword
## Basic Usage
Sending SMS message
$smsService = $this->get('net_labs_sms');
$message = $smsService->compose()
->setContent('This is a test message.');
$result = $smsService->send($message);
Receiving incoming SMS messages
$smsService = $this->get('net_labs_sms');
$messages = $smsService->receive();
Receiving messages delivery reports
$smsService = $this->get('net_labs_sms');
$reports = $smsService->getReports();
Checking messages limit counters
$smsService = $this->get('net_labs_sms');
$counters = $smsService->getCounters();
HLR - Checking main and current networks for phone number
$smsService = $this->get('net_labs_sms');
$result = $smsService->hlr('123123123');
## Advanced Usage
Sending SMS message
$smsService = $this->get('net_labs_sms');
$message = $smsService->compose()
->setReceiver('123123123') // receiver's phone number
->setContent('This is a test message.') // message content
->setSenderName('Test Name'); // max 11 chars
->setIsFlash(false) // send as flash message - directly to the screen
->setIsWapPush(false) // send as WapPush message
->setIsUTF8(false) // set encoding to utf8, so you can use for example polish characters (ąśćźńęółż)
->setIsVCard(false) // send as VCard message
->setSentAt(new \DateTime('+1 hour')) // set date for delayed delivery
->setUsmsid(uniqid()); // custom unique message ID
$result = $smsService->send($message);
Receiving incoming SMS messages
$smsService = $this->get('net_labs_sms');
$messages = $smsService->receive(
$setAsRead, // sets message as read after receiving, so it won't be received next time
$number, // phone number
$startDate, // date range
$endDate, // date range
$type, // message type
$ndi, // NDI
$getSmsId // gets messages with custom message ID
Receiving messages delivery reports
$smsService = $this->get('net_labs_sms');
$reports = $smsService->getReports(
$number, // phone number
$startDate, // date range
$endDate, // date range
$smsId, // smsId from serwersms.pl
$usmsid // custom message ID