9999999-deva simple and easy way to implement WSSE authentication into Symfony2 applications
The Requires
by David Joos
authentication symfony2 wsse
a simple and easy way to implement WSSE authentication into Symfony2 applications
The MopaWSSEAuthentication bundle is a simple and easy way to implement WSSE authentication into Symfony2 applications, (*1)
app/autoload.php, (*2)
$loader->registerNamespaces(array( //other namespaces 'Mopa' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', ));
app/AppKernel.php, (*3)
public function registerBundles() { return array( //other bundles new Mopa\Bundle\WSSEAuthenticationBundle\MopaWSSEAuthenticationBundle(), ); ...
app/config/config.yml, (*4)
# Mopa Rackspace Cloud Files configuration mopa_wsse_authentication: provider_class: Mopa\Bundle\WSSEAuthenticationBundle\Security\Authentication\Provider\WsseAuthenticationProvider listener_class: Mopa\Bundle\WSSEAuthenticationBundle\Security\Firewall\WsseListener factory_class: Mopa\Bundle\WSSEAuthenticationBundle\Security\Factory\WsseFactory
app/config/security.yml, (*5)
nonce_dir: location where nonces will be saved (use null to skip nonce-validation) lifetime: lifetime of nonce provider: user provider for wsse, optional, if not set first user provider configured will be used, (*6)
firewalls: wsse_secured: pattern: ^/api/.* wsse: nonce_dir: null lifetime: 300 provider: my_user_provider factories: - "%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/bundles/Mopa/WSSEAuthenticationBundle/Resources/config/security_factories.yml"
If you are not using the Plaintext encoder, the password the user must supply is the password you get from $user->getPassword() (for plaintext, this is the same yes!) If you provide it on a https secured site for copy / writing it down, this should be a secure way! The WSSE encrypting way is secure providing even plain text passwords, so using a already precrypted password is not considered to be more insecure., (*7)
This would e.g. be the case if you are using FOSUserBundle and its user provider as provider for WSSEAuthenticationBundle, (*8)
a simple and easy way to implement WSSE authentication into Symfony2 applications
authentication symfony2 wsse