9999999-dev Finder class based search
The Requires
by Montu
finder class bundle
A Finder class based search
Finder Bundle It find the keywords from list of files which are present on uploads/files folder., (*1)
Installation Steps, (*2)
1) Run the below command using composer into your project., (*3)
composer require montu0074i/orotest
2) Put the below line under AppKernel.php file under app folder., (*4)
new BvTestBundle\BvTestBundle(),
3) open yourproject/app/config/routing.yml, put below code in that file., (*5)
bv_test: resource: "@BvTestBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /
4) open your browser and type, (*6)
Now you can search the keywords from the list of files which are present in the "uploads/files" folder., (*7)
Please note that if "uploads" folder not there in web directory then please create it., (*8)
NOTE : this bundle is supported to symfony 2.7 or higher version., (*9)
A Finder class based search
finder class bundle