2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle file-repository-bundle



  • Saturday, May 19, 2018
  • by moderadev
  • Repository
  • 8 Watchers
  • 2 Stars
  • 5,180 Installations
  • PHP
  • 1 Dependents
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  • 24 Versions
  • 1 % Grown



This bundle provides a high level API for putting your files to virtual file repositories which internally use Gaufrette filesystem abstraction layer., (*1)


Step 1: Download the Bundle

``` bash composer require modera/file-repository-bundle:4.x-dev, (*2)

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the [installation chapter](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md) of the Composer documentation. ### Step 2: Enable the Bundle This bundle should be automatically enabled by [Flex](https://symfony.com/doc/current/setup/flex.html). In case you don't use Flex, you'll need to manually enable the bundle by adding the following line in the `config/bundles.php` file of your project: ``` php <?php // config/bundles.php return [ // ... Knp\Bundle\GaufretteBundle\KnpGaufretteBundle::class => ['all' => true], // if you still don't have it Modera\FileRepositoryBundle\ModeraFileRepositoryBundle::class => ['all' => true], ];

And finally check your config/packages/validator.yaml and make sure that validation service is enabled:, (*3)

``` yaml framework: validation: ~, (*4)

## Documentation This bundle proves useful when you need to have a consistent way of storing your files with an ability to later reference these files in your domain model or query them (using Doctrine ORM). Configuration process consists of two steps: * Configuring Gaufrette filesystem adapter * Creating a virtual repository This is a sample filesystem configuration using Gaufrette which creates a filesystem which will use local `/path/to/my/filesystem` path to store files: ``` yaml # config/packages/knp_gaufrette.yaml knp_gaufrette: adapters: local_fs: local: directory: /path/to/my/filesystem filesystems: local_fs: adapter: local_fs

Once low-level filesystem is configured you can create a repository that will manage your files:, (*5)

``` php <?php, (*6)

/* @var \Modera\FileRepositoryBundle\Repository\FileRepository $fr */ $fr = $container->get('modera_file_repository.repository.file_repository');, (*7)

$repositoryConfig = array( 'filesystem' => 'local_fs' );, (*8)

$fr->createRepository('my_repository', $repositoryConfig, 'My dummy repository');, (*9)

$dummyFile = new \SplFileInfo('dummy-file.txt');, (*10)

/* @var \Modera\FileRepositoryBundle\Entity\StoredFile $storedFile */ $storedFile = $fr->put('my_repository', $dummyFile);, (*11)

When a physical file is put to a repository its descriptor record is created in database that later you can use in your domain logic. For example, having a Doctrine entity which represents a physical may prove useful when you have a user and you want to associate a profile picture with that user. Also it is worth mentioning that once StoredFile entity is removed, its physical file stored in a configured filesystem will be automatically removed as well. This descriptive record saved in database contains a bunch of useful information like mime-type, file extension etc, please see StoredFile's entity fields for more details. ### Repository configuration When you create a repository you can use these configuration properties to tweak behaviour of your repository: * filesystem -- Gaufrette's filesystem name that this repository should use to store files * storage_key_generator -- DI service ID of class which implements `Modera\FileRepositoryBundle\Repository\StorageKeyGeneratorInterface` interface. This class is used to generate filenames that will be used by filesystem to store files. If this configuration property is not provided when repository is created then `Modera\FileRepositoryBundle\Repository\UniqidKeyGenerator` class will be used. * images_only -- if set to TRUE then it only will be possible to upload images to a repository. * max_size -- if specified it won't be possible to upload files whose size exceeds given value. For megabytes use "m" prefix, for kilobytes - "k" and if no prefix is provided then bytes will be used, for example: 100k, 5m, 800. * file_constraint -- Configuration options of [File](http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/constraints/File.html) constraint. * image_constraint -- Configuration options of [Image](http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/constraints/Image.html) constraint. * interceptors -- allows to specify additional interceptors to use, values must be service container IDs ### Command line Bundle ships commands that allow you to perform some standards operations on your repositories and files: * modera:file-repository:create * modera:file-repository:list * modera:file-repository:delete-repository * modera:file-repository:put-file * modera:file-repository:list-files * modera:file-repository:download-file * modera:file-repository:delete-file * modera:file-repository:generate-thumbnails ### Thumbnails generation Bundle contains an interceptor that you can use to have thumbnails automatically generated for images when they are stored in a repository, to enable this feature when creating a new repository you need to use **modera_file_repository.interceptors.thumbnails_generator.interceptor** interceptor: ``` php <?php /* @var \Modera\FileRepositoryBundle\Repository\FileRepository $fr */ $fr = $container->get('modera_file_repository.repository.file_repository'); $repositoryConfig = array( 'filesystem' => 'local_fs', 'interceptors' => [ \Modera\FileRepositoryBundle\ThumbnailsGenerator\Interceptor::ID, ], 'thumbnail_sizes' => array( array( 'width' => 300, 'height' => 150 ), array( 'width' => 32, 'height' => 32 ) ) ); $fr->createRepository('vacation_pictures', $repositoryConfig, 'Pictures from vacation');

Configuration key "thumbnail_sizes" can be used to specify what thumbnail size you need to have. With this configuration whenever a picture is uploaded to a repository alternative will be created, for more details see StoredFile::$alternatives, StoredFile::$alternativeOf properties. If you already have a repository and you want to generate thumbnails for it then use modera:file-repository:generate-thumbnails command., (*12)


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle: Resources/meta/LICENSE, (*13)

The Versions