Minecraft Servers Monitor
Create your own service that makes regular requests to minecraft servers and sends the information to a webhook (your site)., (*1)
This will prevent your site being blocked when making requests to servers., (*2)
Install the bundle and its dependecies, (*3)
composer require \
'mmd/mc-monitor:dev-master' \
'sensio/buzz-bundle:dev-master' \
'neitanod/forceutf8:dev-master' \
Include bundle in app/AppKernel.php
, (*4)
$bundles = array(
new Mmd\Bundle\McMonitorBundle\MmdMcMonitorBundle(),
Include routing in app/config/routing.yml
, (*5)
resource: "@MmdMcMonitorBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /mc-monitor
Add parameters to app/config/parameters.yml
, (*6)
# The secret used in API requests
mmd.mc_monitor.secret: "my-secret"
# The url to your site (with server list) where monitoring will send servers status updates
mmd.mc_monitor.webhook: "https://my-site.com/monitoring-updates"
Create database tables, (*7)
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Set crontab to execute command that checks servers status and send information to the webhook, (*8)
cd /path/to/project/root/
sudo -u www-data php app/console mmd:mc-monitor:check 3
You can specify how many servers to check at once., (*9)
The servers will be ordered ascending by last checked time., (*10)
Run command as apache user www-data
to prevent Unable to write in the cache directory
In this case the cron must be set as root user for the sudo
command to work in background., (*11)
Add server ip to monitoring, (*12)
# Request
GET /mc-monitor/api/v1/<secret>/add/<ip>
# Response
{"status":true, "message": "Server added"}
# or
{"status":false, "message": "Invalid ip"}
In your application, you must handle monitoring server updates requests to the url set in the mmd.mc_monitor.webhook
parameter, (*13)
The monitoring will do requests in the following format, (*14)
POST https://site.com/secret-url-for-mc-monitor/
secret: "<secret-set-in-parameters>",
servers: {
"<server-ip>": {
status: true, /* true=online, false=offline */
data: {
'hostname': '<span style="color:#00AAAA;">Awesome</span> <strong>minecraft</strong> server motd',
'numplayers': 7,
'maxplayers': 20,
'version': '1.<span style="color:#AA00AA;">8</span>'
"<server-ip>": {...},
- Remove a server from monitoring
There is no way to remove a server from monitoring directly.
This is done for cases when someone knows your secret,
he will not be able to remove all servers from monitoring., (*15)
A server can be removed from monitoring by sending a json response to the API,
when it will make a request to specified webhook url, in the following format:, (*16)
"remove": [