, (*1)
MisteioCloudinaryBundle is a Symfony2/3 Bundle forked from laravel4-cloudinary (thanks Teeplus) and cloudinary-bundle (thanks Speicher210). You can use it as a service, and some extends are implemented for Twig.
Cloudinary Library v1.7.1., (*2)
Via Composer, (*3)
``` bash
$ composer require misteio/cloudinary-bundle, (*4)
or in composer.json file
``` bash
"misteio/cloudinary-bundle": "dev-master"
Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php
:, (*5)
``` php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Misteio\CloudinaryBundle\MisteioCloudinaryBundle(),
// ...
}, (*6)
Configure the connection to cloudinary in your `config.yml` :
``` yaml
cloud_name: yourCloudRegistrationName
api_key: yourApiKey
secret_key: yourSecretApiKey
This wrapper api provide simple methods to upload, rename, delete, tag manage and full features from original cloudinary class methods.
You can use it via Dependency Injection Component(DIC) service., (*7)
$cloudinary = $this -> container -> get('misteio_cloudinary_wrapper');
Upload Image, (*8)
$cloudinary -> upload('path/to/file', 'name', $tags, $options)
Upload Video (Latest argument is for large files), (*9)
$cloudinary -> uploadVideo('path/to/file', 'name', $tags, true)
Display an image, (*10)
$cloudinary -> show('public_name', array('width' => 150, 'height' => 150, 'crop' => 'fit', 'radius' => 20));
Display an image using HTTPS, (*11)
$cloudinary -> show('public_name', array('width' => 150, 'height' => 150, 'crop' => 'fit', 'radius' => 20, 'secure' => true));
Display a video, (*12)
$cloudinary -> showVideo('public_name', array('width' => 150, 'height' => 150, 'crop' => 'fit', 'radius' => 20));
Display a video using HTTPS, (*13)
$cloudinary -> showVideo('public_name', array('width' => 150, 'height' => 150, 'crop' => 'fit', 'radius' => 20, 'secure' => true));
More document from cloudinary.com, (*14)
Rename file, (*15)
$cloudinary -> rename('from_public_id', 'to_public_id');
Delete file, (*16)
$cloudinary -> destroy('public_id');
Manage with tag, (*17)
$cloudinary -> addTag('my_tag_1', array('my_public_id', 'my_public_id_2'));
$cloudinary -> removeTag('my_tag_2', array('my_public_id', 'my_public_id_2'));
$cloudinary -> replaceTag('my_tag_3', array('my_public_id', 'public_id_2'));
Twig for displaying image
{{ 'my_public_id'|cloudinary_url({"width" : 150, "height" : 150, "crop" : "fill", "radius" : 20}) }}
Twig for displaying image using HTTPS
{{ 'my_public_id'|cloudinary_url({"width" : 150, "height" : 150, "crop" : "fill", "radius" : 20, "secure" : true}) }}
Twig for displaying video
{{ 'my_public_id'|cloudinary_url_video({"width" : 150, "height" : 150, "crop" : "fill", "radius" : 20}) }}
Twig for displaying video using HTTPS
{{ 'my_public_id'|cloudinary_url_video({"width" : 150, "height" : 150, "crop" : "fill", "radius" : 20, "secure" : true}) }}
If you discover a security vulnerability , please email instead of using the issue tracker. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed., (*18)
This Wrapper is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license, (*19)