9999999-devA system provide menus, and an admin panel to manage them.
The Requires
by matuck
menu nav-bar navbar
A system provide menus, and an admin panel to manage them.
The MatuckMenu provides an easy to create and manage menus for your application., (*1)
MatuckMenuBundle uses Composer, please checkout the composer website for more information., (*2)
The simple following command will install matuckmenubundle
into your project. It also add a new
entry in your composer.json
and update the composer.lock
as well., (*3)
This bundle requires Assetic and Doctrine Extensions. It also has a client requirement for jQuery. Without jQuery you will not be able to reorder menus. IT is predesigned to work with bootstrap., (*4)
$ composer require matuck/menubundle
Add the below entries to AppKernel.php, (*5)
new matuck\MenuBundle\matuckMenuBundle()
In app/config/config.yml add a mapping entry like below., (*6)
doctrine: orm: entity_managers: default: mappings: matuckMenuBundle: ~
Follow the below linked instructions. The main extension we need is tree. Doctrine Extensions Setup, (*7)
Follow the below linked instructions. Assetic Setup, (*8)
Add the routes to your application. In your routing.yml add. You can change the prefix, but I suggest you make it something that is secured by your firewall, (*9)
matuck_menu: resource: "@matuckMenuBundle/Controller/" type: annotation prefix: /admin/menu
Update the database to include the new entities, (*10)
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Build the menus in the panels. In your template where you want to display the menu put, (*11)
{{ matuck_menu_render('main') }} {{ matuck_menu_render('main', 'matuckMenuBundle::bootstrapmenuright.html.twig') }}
Main is the name of the root menu you want to show. The Second parameter can be deleted but allows you to pass a template file for rendering the menu. The bundle includes two template files. bootstrapmenu.html.twig and bootstrapmenuright.html.twig. By creating your own template and passing it you can design the menus however you want., (*12)
A system provide menus, and an admin panel to manage them.
menu nav-bar navbar