This a Symfony Bundle for Thruway, which is a php implementation of WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol)., (*1)
Note: This project is still undergoing a lot of changes, so the API will change., (*2)
Quick Start with Composer
Install the Thruway Bundle, (*3)
$ php composer.phar require "voryx/thruway-bundle":"dev-master"
Update AppKernel.php, (*4)
$bundles = array(
// ...
new JMS\SerializerBundle\JMSSerializerBundle(),
new Voryx\ThruwayBundle\VoryxThruwayBundle($this),
// ...
realm: 'realm1'
url: 'ws://' #The url that the clients will use to connect to the router
ip: '' # the ip that the router should start on
port: '8080' # public facing port. If authentication is enabled, this port will be protected
trusted_port: '8081' # Bypasses all authentication. Use this for trusted clients.
# authentication: false # true will load the AuthenticationManager
bundles: ["AppBundle"]
# files:
# - "Acme\\DemoBundle\\Controller\\DemoController"
serializer: # allow to set JMS_Serializer parameters - for now only serialize_null
serialize_null: true
If you are using the in-memory user provider, you'll need to add a thruway
to the security firewall and set the in_memory_user_provider
., (*5)
security: false
You can also tag services with thruway.resource
and any annotation will get picked up, (*6)
<service id="some.service" class="Acme\Bundle\SomeService">
<tag name="thruway.resource"/>
Authentication with FOSUserBundle via WampCRA
Change the Password Encoder (tricky on existing sites) to master wamp challenge, (*7)
algorithm: pbkdf2
hash_algorithm: sha256
encode_as_base64: true
iterations: 1000
key_length: 32
set voryx_thruway.user_provider to "fos_user.user_manager", (*8)
user_provider: 'fos_user.user_manager'
The WAMP-CRA service is already configured, we just need to add a tag to it to have the bundle install it:, (*9)
class: Thruway\Authentication\WampCraAuthProvider
parent: voryx.thruway.wamp.cra.auth.client
- { name: thruway.internal_client }
Custom Authorization Manager
You can set your own Authorization Manager in order to check if a user (identified by its authid) is allowed to publish | subscribe | call | register, (*10)
Create your Authorization Manager service, implementing AuthorizationManagerInterface (see the Thruway doc for details), (*11)
// src/ACME/AppBundle/Security/MyAuthorizationManager.php
use Thruway\Authentication\AuthorizationManagerInterface;
use Thruway\Message\ActionMessageInterface;
use Thruway\Message\SubscribeMessage;
use Thruway\Session;
class MyAuthorizationManager implements AuthorizationManagerInterface
public function isAuthorizedTo(Session $session, ActionMessageInterface $actionMsg)
// set here the type of Action you want to check
// Here it's only Subscribe
if ($actionMsg instanceof SubscribeMessage) {
// Here your own auth rule
$topic = $actionMsg->getTopicName();
/* In this example sub patterns meet the following :
* {userID}.{name}
* we explode the topic name to get the userID
$topic = explode('.', $topic);
// UserID shall meet AuthID, else deny access
if($topic[0] != $session->getMetaInfo()["authid"]){
return false;
return true;
Register your authorization manager service, (*12)
class: ACME\AppBundle\Security\MyAuthorizationManager
Insert your service name in the voryx_thruway config, (*13)
authorization: my_authorization_manager # insert the name of your custom authorizationManager
Restart the Thruway server; it will now check authorization upon publish | subscribe | call | register.
Remember to catch error when you try to subscribe to a topic (or any other action) as it may now be denied and this will be returned as an error., (*14)
Register RPC
use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Register;
* @Register("com.example.add")
public function addAction($num1, $num2)
return $num1 + $num2;
Call RPC
public function call($value)
$client = $this->container->get('thruway.client');
$client->call("com.myapp.add", [2, 3])->then(
function ($res) {
echo $res[0];
use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Subscribe;
* @Subscribe("com.example.subscribe")
public function subscribe($value)
echo $value;
public function publish($value)
$client = $this->container->get('thruway.client');
$client->publish("com.myapp.hello_pubsub", [$value]);
It uses JMS Serializer, so it can serialize and deserialize Entities, (*15)
use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Register;
* @Register("com.example.addrpc", serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks=true)
public function addAction(Post $post)
//Do something to $post
return $post;
Start the Thruway Process
You can start the default Thruway workers (router and client workers), without any additional configuration., (*16)
$ nohup php app/console thruway:process start &
By default, the router starts on ws://, (*17)
The Thruway bundle will start up a separate process for the router and each defined worker. If you haven't defined any workers, all of the annotated calls and subscriptions will be started within the default
worker., (*18)
There are two main ways to break your application apart into multiple workers., (*19)
Use the worker
property on the Register
and Subscribe
annotations. The following RPC will be added to the posts
worker., (*20)
use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Register;
* @Register("com.example.addrpc", serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks=true, worker="posts")
public function addAction(Post $post)
Use the @Worker
annotation on the class. The following annotation will create a worker called chat
that can have a max of 5 instances., (*21)
use Voryx\ThruwayBundle\Annotation\Worker;
* @Worker("chat", maxProcesses="5")
class ChatController
If a worker is shut down with anything other than SIGTERM
, it will automatically be restarted., (*22)
More Commands
To see a list of running processes (workers)
$ php app/console thruway:process status
Stop a process, i.e. default
$ php app/console thruway:process stop default
Start a process, i.e. default
$ php app/console thruway:process start default
Javascript Client
For the client, you can use AutobahnJS or any other WAMPv2 compatible client., (*23)
Here are some examples, (*24)