A Paytabs Payment bundle
Begin by installing this package through Composer. Just run following command to terminal-, (*1)
composer require maq89/paytabs-symfony
Enable the bundle in the kernel, goto app/AppKernel.php, (*2)
$bundles = array( // ... new Damas\PaytabsBundle\DamasPaytabsBundle(), // ... );
Use Namespace, (*3)
use Damas\PaytabsBundle\Util\Paytabs;
$pt = Paytabs::getInstance("MERCHANT_EMAIL", "SECRET_KEY"); $result = $pt->create_pay_page(array( "merchant_email" => "MERCHANT_EMAIL", 'secret_key' => "SECRET_KEY", 'title' => "John Doe", 'cc_first_name' => "John", 'cc_last_name' => "Doe", 'email' => "customer@email.com", 'cc_phone_number' => "973", 'phone_number' => "33333333", 'billing_address' => "Juffair, Manama, Bahrain", 'city' => "Manama", 'state' => "Capital", 'postal_code' => "97300", 'country' => "BHR", 'address_shipping' => "Juffair, Manama, Bahrain", 'city_shipping' => "Manama", 'state_shipping' => "Capital", 'postal_code_shipping' => "97300", 'country_shipping' => "BHR", "products_per_title"=> "Mobile Phone", 'currency' => "BHD", "unit_price"=> "10", 'quantity' => "1", 'other_charges' => "0", 'amount' => "10.00", 'discount'=>"0", "msg_lang" => "english", "reference_no" => "1231231", "site_url" => "https://your-site.com", 'return_url' => "", "cms_with_version" => "API USING PHP" )); if($result->response_code == 4012){ return $this->redirect($result->payment_url); } else{ throw new \Exception($result->result); }
$pt = Paytabs::getInstance("MERCHANT_EMAIL", "SECRET_KEY"); $result = $pt->verify_payment($request->request->get('payment_reference')); if($result->response_code == 100){ // Payment Success } else{ throw new \Exception($result->result); }