The Lyssal Entity bundle
, (*1)
Read the installation documentation., (*2)
Use the Appellation to define and easily use the appellation of an entity., (*3)
For more informations, read the Appellation documentation., (*4)
Use the Decorator to define new methods in entities using Symfony services., (*5)
For more informations, read the Decorator documentation., (*6)
Uploaded file
You can use our trait in entities to manage an uploaded file., (*7)
For more informations, read the Uploaded file documentation., (*8)
The entity router
The entity router permits you to automtically generate an URL with your entities., (*9)
For more informations, read the entity router documentation., (*10)
The Entityable permits to add a linked entity property in an entity without a real relation (as a ManyToOne for example)., (*11)
For more informations, read the Entityable documentation., (*12)
Traits for entities
Read the entity traits documentation., (*13)
The breadcrumbs
You can automatically generate your breadcrumbs., (*14)
For more informations, read the breadcrumbs' documentation., (*15)
Execute :, (*16)
phpdoc -c doc/phpdoc.tpl.xml