Step 5: Database creation
Open a console window, enter into the project directory and run the following code:
php app/console doctrine:database:create --connection=annotation
Step 6: Database table creation
Open a console window, enter into the project directory and run the following code:, (*8)
In your html page import the libraries by adding these lines:, (*9)
``` javascript
, (*10)
And the style:
``` css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Example with standard annotator
N.B.: the two following examples use twig to resolve the routes, (*11)
``` html
, (*12)
// Add store plugin
.annotator('addPlugin', 'Store',
prefix: '',
annotationData: {
'uri': '<your_url>'
'limit': 0,
'uri' : '<your_url>'
urls: {
// These are the default URLs.
create: '{{ path("page_annotator_save") }}',
update: '{{ path("page_annotator_save") }}',
destroy: '{{ path("page_annotator_delete") }}',
search: '{{ path("page_annotator_search", { 'uri' : '<your_url>' }) }}'
// Set Annotator Language, for example Italian
<div id='container'>
Here there is the text that must be annotated.
, (*13)
Example with fixed values
If you want to annotate with prefixed values instead of free comments, yuo have to modify your code in this way:
``` html
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ path("page_annotator_library_js") }}"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
// Init plugins
Annotator.Plugin.SavingAnnotation = (function() {
function SavingAnnotation(element, options) {
this.element = element;
this.options = options;
SavingAnnotation.prototype.pluginInit = function() {
.subscribe("beforeAnnotationCreated", function (annotation) {"The annotation: %o is going to be created!", annotation);
.subscribe("annotationCreated", function (annotation) {"The annotation: %o has just been created!", annotation)
annotation.text = annotationCommentValue;
.subscribe("annotationEditorShown", function (editor, annotation) {"The annotation: %o is going to be updated!", annotation);
.subscribe("annotationUpdated", function (annotation) {"The annotation: %o has just been updated!", annotation);
annotation.text = annotationCommentValue;
return SavingAnnotation;
// Add all necessary plugins
.annotator('addPlugin', 'SavingAnnotation')
.annotator('addPlugin', 'Tags')
.annotator('addPlugin', 'Store',
prefix: '',
annotationData: {
'uri': '<your_url>'
'limit': 0,
'uri' : '<your_url>'
urls: {
// These are the default URLs.
create: '{{ path("page_annotator_save") }}',
update: '{{ path("page_annotator_save") }}',
destroy: '{{ path("page_annotator_delete") }}',
search: '{{ path("page_annotator_search", { 'uri' : '<your_url>' }) }}'
// Set Annotator Language, for example Italian
// Set fixed values
var values = ["Tag1", "Tag2", "Tag3"];
<div id='container'>
Here there is the text that must be annotated.
Supported Languages
Italian -> "it"
Spanish -> "es"
French -> "fr"
German -> "de"
Other available actions
You can easily delete all annotation in two ways.
If you want to delete all the annotations saved in the DB:, (*14)
``` javascript
deleteAllAnnotations();, (*15)
Instead, if you want to delete only the annotations about a specific url, you can do this:
``` javascript
In your PHP code, yuo can manage annotations as entity object in this way:, (*16)
``` php
use Luperi\PageAnnotatorBundle\Controller\AnnotationController;, (*17)
class YourClassController extends Controller
public function YourAction()
$annotations = AnnotationController::getAll();
return $this->render('YourBundle:YourClass:Your.html.twig', ['annotations' => $annotations]);
```, (*18)
See PageAnnotatorBundle/Entity/Annotation.php for available methods, (*19)
This bundle is released under the MIT license. See the complete license in the
bundle:, (*20)