Notification Bundle
This bundle provides methods for creating flash notifications and instant notifications that will rendered with javascript to the user. Symfony2 already has a flashBag for flash messages, this bundle builds from there to add customisable javascript notifications using humane.js., (*1)
Install instructions
The simplest way to install this bundle is to use composer., (*2)
Add the notification bundle as a requirement to composer.json:, (*3)
"lrotherfield/notification-bundle": "dev-master"
Update the dependecies using composer:, (*4)
$ php composer.phar update
Add the notification bundle to the AppKernal.php file:, (*5)
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new LRotherfield\Bundle\NotificationBundle\LRotherfieldNotificationBundle(),
This bundle uses a js and css file and so needs to be added to the assetic configuration in config.yml:, (*6)
# Assetic Configuration
bundles: [LRotherfieldNotificationBundle]
Thats it, all installed., (*7)
Simple usage
There are two main sets of functionality, adding notifications and rendering notifications., (*8)
Adding notifications
To add a notification, use the add()
method, (*9)
// any class with access to the service container
$this->container->get('lrotherfield.notify')->add("foo", array("message" => "bar"));
Render notifications
Humane js and css files are required in the head tag for this class to function. Before the closing head tag, run the twig function notify_resources()
:, (*10)
{{ notify_resources() }}
There are two twig functions for rendering notifications, they should be called just before the closing body tag:, (*11)
{{ notify_all() }} {# renders all notifications #}
{{ notify_one("foo") }} {# renders all "foo" notifications like the one added in the above example #}
An argument can be given in notify_all() and notify_one() to specify the id of an element to append the message to as a child:, (*12)
{{ notify_all("baz") }}
{# or #}
{{ notify_one("foo", "baz") }}
Adding options
There are a number of options available when using the add() method to add a notification:, (*13)
//Defaults listed below
"message" => "", // The message to render, will be wrapped in p tags
"title" => "", // The title to render, will be wrapped in h2 tags
"class" => "notice", // css class to add to the notification div
"type" => "flash", // flash or instant, instant lasts until a page refresh, flash lasts for one redirect
"lifetime" => "5000", // Lifetime of the notification in ms
"click_to_close" => false, //true or false, true will make notification disappear only on click, false will use lifetime
"sticky" => false // Makes the notification sticky and not disappear