2017 © Pedro Pelรกez

symfony-bundle theme-bundle

Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles



Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles

  • Saturday, June 16, 2018
  • by lolautruche
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  • 51 Watchers
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  • 600,076 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 26 Open issues
  • 20 Versions
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Theme Bundle

This project is not longer maintained and recommends to use SyliusThemeBundle instead for support of Symfony 5 and Twig 3. For migration have a look at Migrate to SyliusThemeBundle., (*1)

This bundle provides you the possibility to add themes to each bundle. In your bundle directory it will look under Resources/themes/<themename> or fall back to the normal Resources/views if no matching file was found., (*2)

Build Status, (*3)


Installation is a quick (I promise!) 3 step process:, (*4)

  1. Download LiipThemeBundle
  2. Enable the Bundle
  3. Import LiipThemeBundle routing

Step 1: Install LiipThemeBundle with composer

Run the following composer require command:, (*5)

``` bash $ php composer.phar require liip/theme-bundle, (*6)

### Step 2: Enable the bundle Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel: ``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Liip\ThemeBundle\LiipThemeBundle(), ); }

Step 3: Import LiipThemeBundle routing files

Now that you have activated and configured the bundle, all that is left to do is import the LiipThemeBundle routing files., (*7)

In YAML:, (*8)

``` yaml, (*9)


liip_theme: resource: "@LiipThemeBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml" prefix: /theme, (*10)

Or if you prefer XML: ``` xml <!-- app/config/routing.xml --> <import resource="@LiipThemeBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml" prefix="/theme" />


You will have to set your possible themes and the currently active theme. It is required that the active theme is part of the themes list., (*11)

``` yaml, (*12)


liip_theme: themes: ['standardTheme', 'winter_theme', 'weekend'] active_theme: 'standardTheme', (*13)

### Device specific themes/templates You can provide specific themes or even templates for different devices (like: desktop, tablet, phone, plain). Set option ```autodetect_theme``` to true for setting ```current_device``` parameter based on the user agent: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml liip_theme: autodetect_theme: true

Then in path_patterns you can use %%current_device%% parameter (with your device type as value), (*14)

``` yaml, (*15)


liip_theme: path_patterns: app_resource: - %%app_path%%/themes/%%current_theme%%/%%current_device%%/%%template%% - %%app_path%%/themes/fallback_theme/%%current_device%%/%%template%% - %%app_path%%/views/%%current_device%%/%%template%%, (*16)

Optionally ``autodetect_theme`` can also be set to a DIC service id that implements the ``Liip\ThemeBundle\Helper\DeviceDetectionInterface`` interface. ### Get active theme information from cookie If you want to select the active theme based on a cookie you can add: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml liip_theme: cookie: name: NameOfTheCookie lifetime: 31536000 # 1 year in seconds path: / domain: ~ secure: false http_only: false

Disable controller based theme switching

If your application doesn't allow the user to switch theme, you can deactivate the controller shipped with the bundle:, (*17)

``` yaml, (*18)


liip_theme: load_controllers: false, (*19)

### Theme Cascading Order The following order is applied when checking for templates that live in a bundle, for example `@BundleName/Resources/template.html.twig` with theme name ``phone`` is located at: 1. Override themes directory: `app/Resources/themes/phone/BundleName/template.html.twig` 2. Override view directory: `app/Resources/BundleName/views/template.html.twig` 3. Bundle theme directory: `src/BundleName/Resources/themes/phone/template.html.twig` 4. Bundle view directory: `src/BundleName/Resources/views/template.html.twig` For example, if you want to integrate some TwigBundle custom error pages regarding your theme architecture, you will have to use this directory structure : `app/Resources/themes/phone/TwigBundle/Exception/error404.html.twig` The following order is applied when checking for application-wide base templates, for example `::template.html.twig` with theme name ``phone`` is located at: 1. Override themes directory: `app/Resources/themes/phone/template.html.twig` 2. Override view directory: `app/Resources/views/template.html.twig` #### Change Theme Cascading Order You able change cascading order via configurations directives: `path_patterns.app_resource`, `path_patterns.bundle_resource`, `path_patterns.bundle_resource_dir`. For example: ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml liip_theme: path_patterns: app_resource: - %%app_path%%/themes/%%current_theme%%/%%template%% - %%app_path%%/themes/fallback_theme/%%template%% - %%app_path%%/views/%%template%% bundle_resource: - %%bundle_path%%/Resources/themes/%%current_theme%%_%%current_device%%/%%template%% - %%bundle_path%%/Resources/themes/%%current_theme%%/%%template%% - %%bundle_path%%/Resources/themes/fallback_theme/%%template%% bundle_resource_dir: - %%dir%%/themes/%%current_theme%%/%%bundle_name%%/%%template%% - %%dir%%/themes/fallback_theme/%%bundle_name%%/%%template%% - %%dir%%/%%bundle_name%%/%%override_path%%
Cascading Order Patterns Placeholders
Placeholder Representation Example
%app_path% Path where application resources are located app/Resources
%bundle_path% Path where bundle located, for example src/Vendor/CoolBundle/VendorCoolBundle
%bundle_name% Name of the bundle VendorCoolBundle
%dir% Directory, where resource should looking first
%current_theme% Name of the current active theme
%current_device% Name of the current device type desktop, phone, tablet, plain
%template% Template name view.html.twig
%override_path% Like template, but with views directory views/list.html.twig

Change Active Theme

For that matter have a look at the ThemeRequestListener., (*20)

If you are early in the request cycle and no template has been rendered you can still change the theme without problems. For this the theme service exists at:, (*21)

``` php $activeTheme = $container->get('liip_theme.active_theme'); echo $activeTheme->getName(); $activeTheme->setName("phone");, (*22)

### Theme Specific Controllers In some situations, a different template is not enough and you need a different controller for a specific theme. We encountered this with A/B testing. Do not abuse this feature and check whether your use case is still to be considered a theme. This feature is not active by default as there is an additional request listener involved. Enable it by setting `theme_specific_controllers` in your configuration: ```yaml # app/config/config.yml liip_theme: # ... theme_specific_controllers: true

Now you can configure controllers per theme in your routing file:, (*23)

    path: /x/y
        _controller: my_service:fooAction
            a: my_other_service:fooAction
            b: App:Other:foo

As usual, you can use both the service notation or the namespace notation for the controllers. Just specify the controller by theme under the key theme_controllers., (*24)

Assetic integration

Because of the way the LiipThemeBundle overrides the template locator service, assetic will only dump the assets of the active theme., (*25)

In order to dump the assets of all themes enable the assetic_integration option:, (*26)

# app/config/config.yml
    # ...
    assetic_integration: true

This will override the Twig formula loader and iterate over all of the themes, ensuring that all of the assets are dumped., (*27)

Note that this only works with AsseticBundle 2.1 or higher., (*28)

Override the Device Detection

It is possible to override the service used for the device detection. Make sure to either extend DeviceDetection or implement DeviceDetectionInterface:, (*29)

# app/config/config.yml
        class: SomeClass

    # ...
    device_detection: my_devcice_detection

Migrate to SyliusThemeBundle

This will show you the stepts to switch from the LiipThemeBundle to SyliusThemeBundle., (*30)

Remove the old theme bundle and install the SyliusThemeBundle:

# Remove old theme-bundle
composer remove liip/theme-bundle --no-update

# Install new theme-bundle
composer require sylius/theme-bundle:"^2.0"

Remove old configuration

The old liip_theme.yaml configuration needs to be removed:, (*31)

-    themes: ['awesome']
-    active_theme: 'awesome'

In the next step you see how you configure the awesome theme using the SyliusThemeBundle., (*32)

Configure the SyliusThemeBundle:

In order to use the bundle you have to add the following default configuration:, (*33)

# ./config/packages/sylius_theme.yaml

        filesystem: ~

By default, the bundle seeks for the themes in the %kernel.project_dir%/themes directory and looks for a configuration file named composer.json. This can be changed via the yaml configuration:, (*34)

            filename: theme.json

Convert Theme Configuration

In the SyliusThemeBundle every theme must have its own configuration file in form of a theme.json. Add a theme.json file and add the following minimal configuration:, (*35)

    "name": "app/awesome"

Go to the Theme Configuration Reference for the detailed documentation about the configuration options., (*36)

Most likely you have to change the theme name. It is important, that the name matches the naming convention of composer (vendor/name). Furthermore the theme.json has to be moved into the directory for this specific theme., (*37)

For example: %kernel.project_dir%/themes/awesome/theme.json, (*38)

Update project structure

Your templates have to be placed in a templates directory next to the theme.json file., (*39)

For example: %kernel.project_dir%/themes/<theme-name>/templates, (*40)

This results in the following project structure:, (*41)

โ”œโ”€โ”€ composer.json
โ”œโ”€โ”€ assets
โ”œโ”€โ”€ bin
โ”œโ”€โ”€ config
โ”œโ”€โ”€ templates
โ”œโ”€โ”€ themes
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ awesome
โ”‚   โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ templates
โ”‚   โ”‚   โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ base.html.twig
โ”‚   โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ theme.json
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ <theme-name-2>
โ”‚       โ”œโ”€โ”€ templates
โ”‚       โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ base.html.twig
โ”‚       โ””โ”€โ”€ theme.json
โ”œโ”€โ”€ ...
โ””โ”€โ”€ ...

As you can see in the project structure, each theme must have their own theme.json configuration file next to the templates directory., (*42)

Create ThemeRequestListener

You need to create a ThemeRequestListener to set the theme based on the current $request data:, (*43)

use Sylius\Bundle\ThemeBundle\Context\SettableThemeContext;
use Sylius\Bundle\ThemeBundle\Repository\ThemeRepositoryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;

final class ThemeRequestListener
    /** @var ThemeRepositoryInterface */
    private $themeRepository;

    /** @var SettableThemeContext */
    private $themeContext;

    public function __construct(ThemeRepositoryInterface $themeRepository, SettableThemeContext $themeContext)
        $this->themeRepository = $themeRepository;
        $this->themeContext = $themeContext;

    public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event): void
        if (HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST !== $event->getRequestType()) {
            // don't do anything if it's not the master request

        $themeName = 'app/awesome';

        // here you can set the $themeName based on $event->getRequest() object


Have a look also at the SyliusThemeBundle Documentation., (*44)


Active contribution and patches are very welcome. To keep things in shape we have quite a bunch of unit tests. If you're submitting pull requests please make sure that they are still passing and if you add functionality please take a look at the coverage as well it should be pretty high :), (*45)

First install dependencies:, (*46)

   composer.phar install --dev

This will give you proper results:, (*47)

bash phpunit --coverage-text, (*48)

The Versions

23/04 2015
02/02 2015


Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles

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The Requires


The Development Requires

themes theming

27/01 2015


Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles

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The Requires


The Development Requires

themes theming

21/01 2015


Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles

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The Requires


The Development Requires

themes theming

29/08 2014


Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles

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The Requires


The Development Requires

themes theming

15/04 2014


Provides theming support for #Symfony2 Bundles

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The Requires


The Development Requires

themes theming