9999999-devThis Bundle implements the PHP Neo4j OGM
The Requires
neo4j node ogm graph database
This Bundle implements the PHP Neo4j OGM
This bundle lets you make use of the Neo4j Graph Database REST API inside your symfony applications., (*1)
It is momently a WIP as it relies on the Neo4j-PHP-OGM from lphuberdeau that gives integration with Doctrine Common., (*2)
My main focus is momently the User Management integrated with FOSUB and Neo4j, I will come on this bundle later., (*3)
Contributions for adding compiler to configuration and travis love would be really appreciated !, (*4)
Requires :, (*5)
Installation is a quick three-steps process :, (*6)
"require": .... "kwattro/neo4j-ogm-bundle": "dev-master"
:new Kwattro\Neo4jBundle\KwattroNeo4jBundle(), ...
file :kwattro_neo4j: host: "localhost" port: 7474
The usage is a little bit like the Doctrine ORM, to access the graph you just need to call the graph manager service :, (*7)
$graph = $this->container->get('kwattro_neo4j.graph_manager'); // Create a new node $user = new User(); $user->setUsername('ikwattro'); $user->setFullName('Christophe Willemsen'); $graph->persist($user); $graph->flush(); // Retrieving node $repo = $graph->getRepository('Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User'); $user = $repo->findOneByFullname('Christophe Willemsen'); // You can then pass the object to your views layer and use it like a simple Doctrine object
Christophe Willemsen : @kwattro, (*8)
Bundle under the MIT License, (*9)
This Bundle implements the PHP Neo4j OGM
neo4j node ogm graph database