The Kunstmaan Cookie Bundle provides a cookie bar;
detailed pop-up window and a similar page
explaining each type of cookie used on the website., (*1)
All provide the ability to accept or decline certain cookies., (*2)
Original Contributors
Enabling the bundle
Add to Appkernel.php
Add to routing.yml
resource: "@KunstmaanCookieBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /{_locale}/
_locale: "%requiredlocales%"
Two ways to view the cookie implementation
1: Login into the CMS, (*3)
2: enable the cookie bundle under Settings -> Cookie configuration, (*4)
Importing the cookie bundle
Show cookie on page
Add following block to the main layout of your website, (*5)
{# Kuma Cookie Bar #}
{% block kumacookiebar %}
{% endblock %}
CSS: First Method
Apply all CSS by importing the legal.scss file
into the vendors file of your project, (*6)
@import "vendor/kunstmaan/cookie-bundle/src/Resources/ui/scss/legal";
CSS: Second method
Import the Kunstmaan Cookie Bundle variables and imports to be overridden.
Copy the files at the following path to your project folder., (*7)
vender/kunstmaan/cookie-bundle/Resources/ui/scss/config/_legal-imports.scss, (*8)
Alter variables and comment imports to fit the project's styling., (*9)
Via ES Module pattern
import '../../../../../../vendor/kunstmaan/cookie-bundle/bin/';
You can include the compiled version in your buildtool - or directly in a template - via the following URL:, (*10)
Global methods
The CookieBundle exposes some utility methods that you can include in your project., (*11)
import {getKmccCookies} from '<VENDOR_LOCATION>/kunstmaan/cookie-bundle/bin/'; // Returns the settings of all the cookies.
import {hasAllowedDatalayers} from '<VENDOR_LOCATION>/kunstmaan/cookie-bundle/bin/'; // Shorthand to check if you're allowed to use dataLayers in this
import {asyncDomInitiator} from '<VENDOR_LOCATION/kunstmaan/cookie-bundle/bin/'; // This is to initialize async inserted Cookie Bundle Components. Expects 1 param: an object like the following: {nodeTree: <HTMLElement>}
Both these methods are also available on the global scope for projects that do not have bundlers:, (*12)
nodeTree: <HTMLElement>
Copy Cookiebar Resources to your project
Default command:, (*13)
php bin/console kuma:generate:legal --prefix foo_ --demosite
or, if you have previously generated files and wish to override them:
php bin/console kuma:generate:legal --prefix will_ --demosite --overrideFiles, (*14)
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Generate fixtures
php bin/console d:f:l --fixtures src/foo/AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/LegalGenerator/DefaultFixtures.php --append
Add the optin pagepart to your form pages.
We added an extra LegalOptInPagePart that behaves like a checkbox but adds the extra of a link to the privacy policy directly., (*15)
The pagepart will be generated in your bundle and you will have to include it in your pagepart configuration yaml file., (*16)
- { name: 'Opt In', class: Foo\WebsiteBundle\Entity\PageParts\LegalOptInPagePart }
Easily generate links for your project that open the cookie modal:
Add by using this snippet you can easily add the necessary links to your project in custom places like a footer:, (*17)
{% if is_granted_for_cookie_bundle(app.request) %}
{% set legalLinks = ['legal_privacy_policy', 'legal_cookie_preferences', 'legal_contact'] %}
{% for internalName in legalLinks %}
{% set node = nodemenu.getNodeByInternalName(internalName) %}
{% if (node is not null) %}
<a data-target="{{ internalName }}" data-url="{{ path('kunstmaancookiebundle_legal_modal', {'internal_name': internalName}) }}"
class="sub-footer__info__link js-kmcc-extended-modal-button">
{{ node.title }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Overriding translations
If you want to override the translations of the cookie bundle, you need to add the following configuration in your config.yml
beneath the existing kunstmaan_translator config., (*18)
default_bundle: custom
- KunstmaanCookieBundle
- YourOwnBundle
Add visitor type to google analytics
We added the possibility to push a datalayer to google analytics with the type of visitor viewing your website. A new Config entity has been added
where you can add the ip-addresses of clients or internal. Those ip's will be checked on request and a datalayer will be pushed., (*19)
If you want to use this functionality, please read the documentation for the Config Bundle to setup. When you did this, add the following snippet to your config.yml., (*20)
- Kunstmaan\CookieBundle\Entity\CookieConfig
Following input field should be added to your layout.html.twig. You can add in beneath the kuma-cookie-bar element., (*21)
<input type="hidden" value="{{ get_visitor_type(app.request) }}" id="kmcc-visitor-type"/>
Increase version number when adding cookies/types or changing stuff the requires new cookie consent.
In the cookie configuration, there is a version number available. This version number can be increased in the CMS., (*22)
We love contributions!
If you're submitting a pull request, please follow the guidelines in the Submitting pull requests, (*23)