9999999-dev the NS PHPToolkit API inside your Symfony application
The Requires
- php >=5.3.2
by knoxguru
symfony2 symfony netsuite phptoolkit
Access the NS PHPToolkit API inside your Symfony application
Netsuite PHP Toolkit bundle for Symfony2 Applications. The orginal source and samples can be found here:, (*1)
The original work and it's license is in the src/KnoxGuru/bundle/NSBundle/NS folder., (*2)
using composer add the line below to your require section:, (*3)
"knoxguru/nsbundle": "dev-master"
then, (*4)
composer.phar update
Add the bundle to your AppKernel.php file, (*5)
new KnoxGuru\Bundle\NSBundle\KnoxGuruNSBundle(),
Next you will copy and paste these parameters to your app/config/config.yml and edit them appropriately:, (*6)
parameters: /*...*/ knoxguru.nsendpoint: "2013_2" knoxguru.nshost: "" knoxguru.nsemail: "" knoxguru.nspassword: "mySecretPwd" knoxguru.nsrole: "3" knoxguru.nsaccount: "MYACCT1"
I have not tested with the 2014_1 version but from what I've seen so far I don't expect too much. I'll refocus on 2014_1 when I can., (*7)
Inside your controller simply initialize using this command, (*8)
After you have initialized you can use the classes anywhere by adding it to your uses:, (*9)
use KnoxGuru\Bundle\NSbundle\NetSuiteService; use KnoxGuru\Bundle\NSbundle\GetRequest; use KnoxGuru\Bundle\NSbundle\RecordRef; class MyController extends Controller { public function indexAction() { $this->container->get('knoxguru.nsservice'); $service = new NetSuiteService(); $request = new GetRequest(); $request->baseRef = new RecordRef(); $request->baseRef->internalId = "21"; $request->baseRef->type = "customer"; $getResponse = $service->get($request); if (!$getResponse->readResponse->status->isSuccess) { echo "GET ERROR"; } else { $customer = $getResponse->readResponse->record; echo "GET SUCCESS, customer:"; echo "\nCompany name: ". $customer->companyName; echo "\nInternal Id: ". $customer->internalId; echo "\nEmail: ". $customer->email; } } }
You can find the toolkit documentation here:, (*10)
My work is MIT; however, the code in the src/KnoxGuru/Bundle/NSBundle/NS folder has its own license file attached and you should review it before using this bundle. Everything inside the NS directory is not my original work. It's a modified version of the NS PHP Toolkit to work with this bundle and Symfony., (*11)
Access the NS PHPToolkit API inside your Symfony application
symfony2 symfony netsuite phptoolkit