9999999-dev your symfony2 translations easily
The Requires
- php >=5.3.2
- symfony/framework-bundle >=2.4.0
by Khaled Jouda
symfony2 bundle translation
Manage your symfony2 translations easily
A symfony2 translation bundle, (*1)
not complete! Early stage development, (*2)
right now you can use this bundle for easier testing. since it highjacks the default translator and always returns your translation keys. which means: if you update your translations, your tests will still pass., (*3)
When enabled it will catch all your translation keys and store them in the database. so that you can translate them using a web interface, you can have a look at it: app_dev.php/kjda_translation/, (*4)
exporting translations to resource files.
importing resource files to the database.
a better domain management & domain detection while capturing keys., (*5)
Add the following to your composer.json, (*6)
"require": { "kjda/translation-bundle": "dev-master" }
then, (*7)
php composer.phar update kjda/translation-bundle
Register bundle in app/AppKernel.php:, (*8)
$bundles = array( ....., new Kjda\TranslationBundle\KjdaTranslationBundle(), );
app/config_dev.yml:, (*9)
assetic: bundles: [ KjdaTranslationBundle, AcyouSomeOtherBundle ]
app/routing.yml:, (*10)
kjda_translation: resource: "@KjdaTranslationBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
translation interface: /app_dev.php/kjda_translation, (*11)
Manage your symfony2 translations easily
symfony2 bundle translation