9999999-dev of product for the Kitpages CMS Bundle
The Requires
by Sebastien Lefebvre
catalog kitpages cms
catalog of product for the Kitpages CMS Bundle
hum... as usual..., (*1)
put the code in vendors/Kitpages/ShopCmsBundle, (*2)
add vendors/ in the app/autoload.php, (*3)
add the new Bundle in app/appKernel.php, (*4)
You need to create a table in the database : launch command: php app/console doctrine:schema:update, (*5)
Step:, (*6)
kitpages_cms: block: template: template_list: product: class: 'Kitpages\ShopCmsBundle\Form\Block\Product' name: 'Standard' twig: 'KitpagesShopCmsBundle:Block:form/product.html.twig' renderer: product: default: type: 'twig' twig: 'KitpagesShopCmsBundle:Block:renderer/product/default.html.twig', (*7)
kitano_payment: service: payment_system: %payment.service% config: notification_url: "%base_url%/payment/payment-notification" internal_back_to_shop_url: "%base_url%/payment/back-to-shop" external_back_to_shop_url: "%base_url%/shop/back-to-shop", (*8)
catalog of product for the Kitpages CMS Bundle
catalog kitpages cms