Propel Model Parser Bundle
The PropelModelParserBundle enables Propel BaseObjects to be parsed into array, which in turn can be converted into JSON for API responses., (*1)
Unlike native BaseObject methods like toJSON(), the PropelModelParserBundle can automatically convert BaseObjects as well as their "child objects" to array, as well as add custom properties., (*2)
- Install PropelModelParserBundle using Composer
- Register bundle in AppKernel
- In your Propel schema.xml, Use
as your baseClass
- Rebuild Propel models.
In your controller.., (*3)
namespace AppBundle\Controller;
use kapitanluffy\PropelModelParserBundle\PropertyCollection;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction($user_id)
$user = Model\UserQuery::create()
$post_count = $user->getPosts()->count();
$properties = new PropertyCollection;
$properties->addProperty('posts', 'getPosts')
// parse child object's (post) children (user)
->addProperty('poster', 'getUser')
// add custom property
->addProperty('post_count', $post_count);
$data = $user->parseObject($properties);
$response = new JsonResponse;
return $response;
Will result into
"string":"this is user1\u0027s post",
"date":"2015-06-24 11:28:52.000000",
"date":"2015-06-24 11:28:52.000000",
"string":"another user1 post",
"date":"2015-06-24 11:28:52.000000",
"date":"2015-06-24 11:28:52.000000",
, (*4)