A bundle for eZPublish5 / eZPlatform dedicated to mass-creation of sample/test content., (*1)
How it works, in 30 lines of yaml
type: loop
repeat: 5
type: content
mode: create
content_type: folder
parent_location: 2
name: "Folder [loop:iteration] - [faker:sentence(3)]"
attribute: location_id
identifier: parent_folder_loc
overwrite: true
type: loop
repeat: 3
type: content
mode: create
content_type: folder
parent_location: reference:parent_folder_loc
name: "Folder [faker:unixTime]"
As you can probably guess from the above, this code will create a total of 20 contents of type 'Folder', nested in 2
levels, with each top-level folder having 3 children. The names of the top-level folders include 3 random latin words
each., (*2)
- eZPublish 2014.11 or later or eZPlatform
- eZMigrationBundle
- Faker from FZaninotto
- TCPDF from tecnick.com
(all of the above are handled automatically using composer), (*3)
get the bundle via composer, (*4)
composer require kaliop/ezloremipsumbundle
activate it in your Kernel's registerBundles()
method, (*5)
public function registerBundles()
new \Kaliop\eZLoremIpsumBundle\EzLoremIpsumBundle()
All this bundle does is to make available to the Kaliop Migration Bundle a new reference resolver, called faker
., (*6)
This means that in order to create massive amounts of contents, you will just need to set up and run a 'migration'.
Migrations are fully documented at: https://github.com/kaliop-uk/ezmigrationbundle/ and
https://github.com/kaliop-uk/ezmigrationbundle/tree/master/Resources/doc/DSL, (*7)
The 'faker' reference resolver is designed generated random pieces of data. It purposes to support all of the features
of the Faker library. In no particular order, it can be used to generate:
- phrases
- paragraphs
- names
- addresses
- phone numbers
- dates and times
- emails
- domain names
- numbers
- images and files, (*8)
The full list of supported data is documented at https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker, (*9)
A more detailed description of the supported syntax is given in the DSL Language description, (*10)
NB there is a known bug when using the image
provider and there is a problem downloading an image file from the
remote service. The recommended workaround is to use the picture
provider instead., (*11)
Many thanks to Crevillo for the suggestion to look at AliceBundle and to FZaninotto for all the heavy lifting, (*12)
, (*13)
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