9999999-dev popup management bundle for Symfony2
The Requires
- php >=5.3.2
- symfony/framework-bundle 2.*
jquery javascript dynamic popup auto front popin jrk
Dynamic popup management bundle for Symfony2
JrkDynamicPopupBundle is a dynamic popup manager for Symfony2, (*1)
Add jrk/dynamicpopup-bundle
as a dependency in your project's composer.json file:, (*2)
{ "require": { "jrk/dynamicpopup-bundle": "dev-master" } }
Update composer, (*3)
php composer update or php composer.phar update
``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php, (*4)
public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Jrk\DynamicPopupBundle\JrkDynamicPopupBundle(), ); }, (*5)
Installation & Configuration ---------------------------- - 1. Add bundle's name in your app/config/config.yml
assetic: bundles: [ 'JrkDynamicPopupBundle' ], (*6)
- 2. Execute the following command:
php app/console assets:install, (*7)
- 3. Include css files:
{{ dynamic_popup_styles() }}, (*8)
- 4. Include js files:
{{ dynamic_popup_javascripts() }}, (*9)
- 5. Add just after the <body> tag
{{ dynamic_popup_template() }}, (*10)
You can override two things: - The ajax gif icon for ajax call (`ajaxAsset`) - The js doT template (`popupTemplate`) Here is an example:
{{ dynamic_popup_template({ ajaxAsset: 'img/ajax-loader.gif', popupTemplate: 'MyBundle:Acme:my-custom-doT-template.html.twig' }) }}, (*11)
Usage ----- We're assuming you have jquery in your project - modalInformation(data, fancyboxOptions) => // Display a simple popup - data: an object with 5 keys - title: popup's title - message: popup's message - close: popup's close button label - dataTitle: a list of injected dynamic variables into title - dataMessage: a list of injected dynamic variables into message - fancyboxOptions: extend fancybox options ``` js modalInformation({ title: 'Popup title', message: 'Popup body', close: 'Close' }, { minWidth: 320 });
``` js $('a.clickme').function() { modalChoices({ title: 'Popup title', message: 'Popup body : {{=it.classname}}', choices: [ {label: 'Yes', action: 'doSomething(this)', buttonClass: 'btn btn-primary'}, {label: 'No', action: '$.fancybox.close()', url:true, buttonClass: 'btn btn-danger'}, {label: 'Help', url: '', target:'_blank', buttonClass: 'btn btn-info'}, ], dataMessage: { classname: 'Hello World (from a variable) !' } }, null, $(this)); }, (*12)
function doSomething(myThisReference) { // myThisReference is a reference of 'a.clickme' DOM Element ... }, (*13)
There are two other options for both `modalInformation` and `modalChoices`. In fact, these two options are useful only for `modalChoices`. This is two examples: ``` js modalChoices({ ... input: { placeholder: 'Email address', type: 'text' } ... }); modalChoices({ ... select: { name: 'favorite-color', id: 'my-select-id', choices: [ {value:'#FF0000', label:'Red'}, {value:'#00FF00', label:'Green'}, {value:'#0000FF', label:'Blue'} ] } ... });
Get data from <input> or <select> by calling that function:, (*14)
var formField = getModalFieldElement();
, (*15)
Dynamic popup management bundle for Symfony2
jquery javascript dynamic popup auto front popin jrk