2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle service-generator

Symfony2 Bundle for create services by command line



Symfony2 Bundle for create services by command line

  • Thursday, February 28, 2013
  • by javijalis
  • Repository
  • 2 Watchers
  • 1 Stars
  • 302 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 1 Versions
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Services Generator bundle for Symfony2

This package contains a bundle to easily create basic services efficiently and without effort from command line., (*1)

The package add a new command line app/console generate:service that create all the config and code for a basic service:, (*2)

  • Modify the services.xml (only works for xml language only)
  • Create a Lib Class
  • Inject dependencies (Entity Manager)


Step 1: Install vendors

Installation depends on your version of Symfony:, (*3)

Symfony 2.1.x: Composer

Composer is a project dependency manager for PHP. You have to list your dependencies in a composer.json file:, (*4)

``` json { "require-dev": { "jalis/service-generator": "dev-master" } }, (*5)

To actually install Service Generator in your project, download the composer binary and run it:

``` bash
wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
# or
curl -O http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar

php composer.phar install

Symfony 2.0.x: bin/vendors.php method

If you're using the bin/vendors.php method to manage your vendor libraries, add the following entries to the deps in the root of your project file:, (*6)


Next, update your vendors by running:, (*7)

``` bash $ ./bin/vendors, (*8)

Finally, add the following entries to your autoloader: ``` php <?php // app/autoload.php $loader->registerNamespaces(array( // ... 'Jalis' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', ));

Step 2: Enable the bundle

Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:, (*9)

``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php, (*10)

public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Jalis\Bundle\ServiceGeneratorBundle\JalisServiceGeneratorBundle(), ); }, (*11)

## How to use: Execute the command: ``` php $ app/console generate:service

Follow the instructions:, (*12)

``` php Your service code must be written in Manager directory. This command helps you generate them easily., (*13)

Each service is hosted under a namespace (like Acme/Bundle/BlogBundle). (which must have Bundle as a suffix)., (*14)

Bundle namespace: myFolder/Bundle/myBundle, (*15)

Your service must have a name for call it, (*16)

Service Name: example, (*17)

Your service need EntityManager?, (*18)

Do you need entity Manager in your service [no]? yes, (*19)

After that, you only have to use the service where ever you want:

``` php
$my_service = $this->get('exampleManager');

The class for your code used in the service is in the folder BundleGiven/Manager/exampleManager.php ``` php <?php namespace BundleGiven\Manager;, (*20)

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;, (*21)

class exampleManager
protected $em;, (*22)

public function __construct(EntityManager $em){                             

    $this->em = $em;                                              

public function getInfo() {                                                 

    return "name: exampleManager";                                                                                                                          

//... your code

```, (*23)


  • Option for create Twig extensions
  • Add more options for inject more native services (monolog, mailer) and own services
  • Refactor Command class code
  • What about services in yml?

The Versions

28/02 2013


9999999-dev https://github.com/javijalis/JalisServiceGeneratorBundle.git

Symfony2 Bundle for create services by command line

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The Requires


service dependency injection symfony2 generator