, (*1)
is a Symfony bundle that integrates Laravel Elixir.
The purpose of the bundle is to offer elixr() twig function.
This is exactly the same elixir() function from Laravel blade templating system., (*2)
Before you start installing this bundle you must first ensure that Node.js is installed on your machine.
Next, you'll want to install NPM and pull in Gulp as a global NPM package., (*3)
Step 1: Require the bundle with composer
Open your terminal and run one of the following commands to download the bundle into your vendor directory., (*4)
If you have composer installed globally you can run:, (*5)
$ composer require iulyanp/elixir-bundle
Else you can go with:, (*6)
$ php composer.phar require iulyanp/elixir-bundle
Step 2: Register the bundle in your AppKernel class
Register the bundle in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:, (*7)
/** app/AppKernel.php */
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Iulyanp\ElixirBundle\IulyanpElixirBundle(),
In order for elixir to know where you keep your asset files you should configure the following:, (*8)
assets_dir: 'app/Resources/assets'
web_dir: '%kernel.root_dir%/../web'
build_dir: 'build'
The assets_dir
parameter is the relative path where you place your asset files.
The web_dir
parameter is the relative path to where the generated assets will be stored.
** For example in our case the css files will be stored under '%kernel.root_dir%/../web/css/'
The build_dir
is the folder from within the web_dir where the asset version will be stored.
** For example in our case the css versioned assets will be stored in "%kernel.root_dir%/../web/build/css/"
folder., (*9)
Note! The web_dir
parameter is the only required parameter. If are not set, the other two, will use the defaults., (*10)
Step 4: Generate the package.json and gulpfile files:
If you already have installed Node.js
, npm
and Gulp
you should be all set to run:, (*11)
$ php bin/console elixir:init
A base package.json
and a gulpfile.js
will be generated into your project root directory.
Then run npm install
to install all the dependencies and laravel-elixir., (*12)
Now you can use elixir() function to version a file like this:, (*13)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ elixir('css/app.css') }}" />
Bundle assets
By default the bundle assumes that you'll keep your assets files under the app/Resources/public
In case that you have assets on bundles level (ex. src/AppBundle/Resources/public/sass/test.scss) you can compile them with elixir pretty simple.
For our example you'll have something like this:, (*14)
// Set up Elixir tasks.
elixir(function(mix) {
'test.scss', // the sass file you want to compile
'web/css/test', // the path where you want the compiled css file to be saved
'src/AppBundle/Resources/public/sass' // the path where your sass files are kept inside a bundle
The test.css
file will be saved to web/css/test/test.css
., (*15)
The ElixirBundle is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license., (*16)