2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle page-layout-bundle

Bootstrap page layout for sonata, based on gridstack.js



Bootstrap page layout for sonata, based on gridstack.js

  • Wednesday, May 31, 2017
  • by etfostra
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Bootstrap page layout for Symfony Sonata Admin Bundle, based on gridstack.js, (*1)


Simple editor in Sonata Admin

Resize and drag blocks Simple edit Easy change any properties, (*2)

Bootstrap grid as result

Bootstrap grid as result, (*3)


With Composer

``` bash composer require it-blaster/page-layout-bundle, (*4)

### Add post install/update script to `composer.json` `installGridStackJs` just make system call `bower install` in bundle's directory ``` json { "scripts": { "post-install-cmd": [ "Etfostra\\PageLayoutBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::installGridStackJs", ... ], "post-update-cmd": [ "Etfostra\\PageLayoutBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::installGridStackJs", ... ] } }

Register the bundle in your AppKernel.php

``` php ... new Etfostra\PageLayoutBundle\EtfostraPageLayoutBundle(), ..., (*5)

### Edit `config.yml` Add `EtfostraPageLayoutBundle` to `assetic.bundles` ``` yaml assetic: ... bundles: ... - EtfostraPageLayoutBundle


All configs are optional, default values present below, config.yml: ``` yaml etfostra_page_layout: grid_settings: # https://github.com/troolee/gridstack.js#options always_show_resize_handle: false animate: true auto: true cell_height: 80 draggable: handle: '.grid-stack-item-content' scroll: true appendTo: 'body' handle: '.grid-stack-item-content' handle_class: '' height: 0 float: false # http://troolee.github.io/gridstack.js/demo/float.html item_class: 'grid-stack-item' min_width: 768 placeholder_class: 'grid-stack-placeholder' placeholder_text: '' resizable: autoHide: true handles: 'se' static_grid: false vertical_margin: 10 width: 12 item_min_width: 4 properties: # data for generating additional widget properties (options in select) media_size_prefix: xs: XS — Extra small devices sm: SM — Small devices Tablets md: MD — Medium devices Desktops lg: LG — Large devices Desktops templates: front_layout: EtfostraPageLayoutBundle:Frontend:page_layout.html.twig, (*6)

## Using ### Insert `page_layout` field in Sonata Admin class ``` php class YourAdmin extends Admin { ... protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper) { ... $formMapper ->add('your_text_field', 'page_layout', array( 'required' => false, 'choices' => array( // Key and value can be any string, it's up to you. // This keys will be available later in WidgetRenderer::setWidgets 'CurrentPage:' => 'Current page content', 'Widget:feedbackform' => 'Feedback form', 'Widget:leftmenu' => 'Left menu', ), )) ... }

From now, you can edit and save (to your_text_field) data of grid in Sonata Admin., (*7)

Frontend layout generation

For layout generation we must call and configure etfostra_page_layout.services.page_layout service form controller ``` php $layout = $this->get('etfostra_page_layout.services.page_layout') ->setLayoutData( $your_text_field ) ->setWidgetRenderer( $renderer ) ->render();, (*8)

But now we have two undefined variables! It's ok, how to define it: ``` php $your_text_field = $yourObject->getYourTextField(); // It's simple, this is data from your your_text_field, that we edit in Sonata Admin $renderer = $this->get('widget_renderer'); // This is more complex, we must implement our service widget_renderer

Define this new service in services.yml, arguments are optional and depends on realization ``` yaml services: ... widget_renderer: class: Your\AppBundle\Service\WidgetRenderer arguments: - @templating, (*9)

Time to create our new renderer service, call it `WidgetRenderer` ``` php namespace Your\AppBundle\Service; use Etfostra\PageLayoutBundle\Services\WidgetRenderInterface; use Symfony\Component\Templating\EngineInterface; class WidgetRenderer implements WidgetRenderInterface { protected $widgets; protected $templating; public function __construct(EngineInterface $templating) { $this->templating = $templating; } /** * At this we must fill $this->widgets array with html rendered widgets */ public function setWidgets(array $widgets) // $widgets example: array('CurrentPage:', 'Widget:feedbackform', 'Widget:leftmenu') { foreach ($widgets as $widget_id) { $this->widgets[$widget_id] = $this->templating->render('YourAppBundle:Widget:widget.html.twig', array( 'widget_id' => $widget_id, )); } } public function getWidget($widget_id) { if (isset($this->widgets[$widget_id])) { return $this->widgets[$widget_id]; } return null; } }

It's very simplified example, you can create more complex realization, depends on your widget system., (*10)

The Versions

31/05 2017


9999999-dev https://github.com/it-blaster/page-layout-bundle

Bootstrap page layout for sonata, based on gridstack.js

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The Requires


bootstrap symfony layout gridstack page layout