Welcome to the IntractoCampaignMonitorBundle - a Symfony wrapper for the Campaign Monitor PHP library., (*1)
For details on how to get started with IntractoCampaignMonitorBundle, keep on reading., (*2)
What's inside?
The IntractoCampaignMonitorBundle has following features:
- All results from the API are hydrated to different models.
- Paged results are returned as a Paginator instance with a method to get the next set of records.
- A defensive programming approach in all classes to prevent broken instances., (*3)
All code included in the IntractoCampaignMonitorBundle is released under the MIT or BSD license., (*4)
Step 1 - Install IntractoCampaignMonitorBundle using composer
Edit your composer.json to include the bundle as a dependency., (*5)
"require": {
"intracto/campaign-monitor-bundle": "0.1",
Open up a command line window and tell composer to download the new dependency., (*6)
``` bash
$ php composer.phar update intracto/campaign-monitor-bundle, (*7)
### Step 2 - Register the bundle in your AppKernel file
``` php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Intracto\CampaignMonitorBundle\IntractoCampaignMonitorBundle(),
``` yml
// app/config/config.yml, (*8)
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY, (*9)
## Usage
There are 4 factory services at your disposal.
- itr.campaign_monitor.factory.client_connector
- itr.campaign_monitor.factory.list_connector
- itr.campaign_monitor.factory.segment_connector
- itr.campaign_monitor.factory.campaign_connector
Each of these services implements the ConnectorFactory interface, which has one public method 'getConnectorForId', which accepts an id in the form of a string and returns a Connector.
Here is an example of how to use the ClientConnectorFactory service.
``` php
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class ClientController extends Controller
* @var Request $request
* @return Response
public function subscriberListsAction(Request $request)
$clientConnectorFactory = $this->get('itr.campaign_monitor.factory.client_connector');
$clientId = $this->getParameter('your_client_id');
$clientConnector = $clientConnectorFactory->getConnectorForId($clientId);
/** @var ListReference[]|ArrayCollection $lists */
$lists = $clientConnector->getLists();
return $this->render('your_template_file.html.twig', ['lists' => $lists]);
Have a look inside the Connector classes to check out what methods are available. Nearly all methods will return a response in OOP-style., (*10)
Paginated results like subscribers lists, will be put into a Paginator instance. This class has a next() method, that will execute another request to the Campaign Monitor API for the next page., (*11)
Not all methods of the CampaignMonitor API are available yet. If some are missing, feel free to open up an issue., (*12)
Pull requests are also greatly appreciated!, (*13)