9999999-devJob queue based on RabbitMq
The Requires
- php >=5.3.0
- oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle >=1.3.0
by Kruglov Kirill
rabbitmq symfony2 queue job-queue
Job queue based on RabbitMq
The Job Queue Bundle allows to manage recurring, and non recurring jobs. This bundle is based on oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle and uses rabbitMQ server to create job queues., (*1)
Require the bundle in your composer.json file:, (*2)
```` { "require": { "intaro/job-queue-bundle": "dev-master", } }, (*3)
Register the bundle: ```php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( new Intaro\JobQueueBundle\IntaroJobQueueBundle(), ); }
Install the bundle:, (*4)
$ composer update intaro/job-queue-bundle
intaro_job_queue: class: %intaro_job_queue.job_manager.class% intervals: integration_service: { value: 3600 } job_timeout: 60 # timeout for executing job command environment: prod # environment for executing commands durable: false
Add producers and consumers to the old_sound_rabbit_mq
section in your configuration file. You can use job_execute_service callback to execute symfony command from job`s message:, (*5)
old_sound_rabbit_mq: producers: integration: connection: default exchange_options: {name: 'integration', type: direct} consumers: integration: connection: default exchange_options: {name: 'integration', type: direct} queue_options: name: 'integration_main' routing_keys: - 'integration_main' callback: job_execute_service integration_service: connection: default exchange_options: {name: 'integration', type: direct} queue_options: name: 'integration_service' routing_keys: - 'integration_service' callback: job_execute_service
Initiate cyclic update:, (*6)
$jobManager = $container->get('job_queue_manager'); $jobManager->addJob('acme:integration:main', 'integration_main', array('recurring' => true, 'interval' => 'P1D', 'startDate' => new \DateTime('00:00:00')) ); $jobManager->addJob('acme:integration:service', 'integration_service', array('recurring' => true, 'intervalCode' => 'integration_service') );
Every day at 00:00:00 "acme:integration:main" command will be executed and "acme:integration:service" will be execudet every hour., (*7)
You can extend job_manager and override getIntervals method. It should return array of intervals like ("intervalCode" => seconds). It can be usefull to change intarval value in realtime., (*8)
- clears job_shedule and job_queue rabbitMQ queues., (*9)
Bash script to make sure that there are all required consumers are running:, (*10)
#!/bin/bash NB_TASKS=1 SYMFONY_ENV="prod" ROOT_PATH="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )/../" BASE="app/console rabbitmq:consumer" TEXT[0]="jobs" TEXT[1]="jobs_timeout" TEXT[2]="mobile" TEXT[3]="integration_dictionaries" TEXT[4]="integration_statistics" TEXT[5]="integration_laws" TEXT[6]="integration_service" for text in "${TEXT[@]}" do FULL_TEXT="${BASE} ${text}" NB_LAUNCHED=$(ps ax | grep "$FULL_TEXT" | grep -v grep | wc -l) TASK="php ${ROOT_PATH}${FULL_TEXT} --env=${SYMFONY_ENV}" for (( i=${NB_LAUNCHED}; i<${NB_TASKS}; i++ )) do echo "$(date +%c) - Launching a new consumer" nohup $TASK & done done
Thanks to Anton Babenko, (*11)
Job queue based on RabbitMq
rabbitmq symfony2 queue job-queue