9999999-dev tool to auto generate basic Sonata admin class
The Requires
- php >=5.3.2
The Development Requires
generator sonata
A tool to auto generate basic Sonata admin class
A automatic Sonata Admin generator, (*1)
It provide you some command lines to generator admin class for your entities ..., (*2)
Sonata admin generator requires PHP 5.3, and should be installed using composer. The general composer instructions can be found on the [composer website]( composer website)., (*3)
After that, just declare the bundle as follows into you composer.json :, (*4)
"require" : { "huitiemesens/sonata-admin-generator-bundle" : "dev-master" }
Then, run composer.phar update
and you should be good., (*5)
Finally add the following code to your AppKernel.php, (*6)
new huitiemesens\sonataAdminGeneratorBundle\huitiemesensSonataAdminGeneratorBundle(),
Will generate every entities inside a defined bundle, (*7)
app/console admin:generate AppBundle
Then a prompt will ask to confirm each of entities found to be generated., (*8)
A tool to auto generate basic Sonata admin class
generator sonata