symfony-bundle common-bundle
Symfony Common bundle for HOB
Symfony Common bundle for HOB
- Wednesday, February 24, 2016
- by acassan
- Repository
- 1 Watchers
- 0 Stars
- 39 Installations
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- 1 Versions
- 0 % Grown
Utils for HOB micro services
, (*1)
To install this bundle, run the command below and you will get the latest version., (*2)
``` bash
composer require hob/common-bundle, (*3)
To use the newest (maybe unstable) version please add following into your composer.json:
``` json
"require": {
"hob/common-bundle": "dev-master"
Load bundle in AppKernel.php:
``` php
new HOB\CommonBundle\CommonBundle(), (*4)
Configuration in config.yml:
``` yaml
common_bundle: ~