2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle fm-bbcode-bundle

Symfony FMBbCodeBundle



Symfony FMBbCodeBundle

  • Tuesday, November 28, 2017
  • by helios
  • Repository
  • 9 Watchers
  • 51 Stars
  • 131,156 Installations
  • PHP
  • 1 Dependents
  • 2 Suggesters
  • 32 Forks
  • 12 Open issues
  • 13 Versions
  • 8 % Grown



PHP-Decoda integration in Symfony2, (*1)

A lightweight lexical string parser for BBCode styled markup., (*2)


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To install this bundle, you'll need both the Decoda library and this bundle. Installation depends on how your project is setup:, (*3)

Step 1: Installation

Using Composer, just add the following configuration to your composer.json:, (*4)

Or you can use composer to install this bundle: Add FMBbcodeBundle in your composer.json:, (*5)

    composer require helios-ag/fm-bbcode-bundle

Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:, (*6)

    composer update helios-ag/fm-bbcode-bundle

Step 2: Enable the bundle

Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:, (*7)

``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php, (*8)

public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new FM\BbcodeBundle\FMBbcodeBundle(), ); }, (*9)

### Step 3: Dump emoticons (optional)

To enable emoticons via emoticon hook, use the following command to copy emoticons images to
public folder (web/emoticons)

``` bash
    ./app/console bbcode:dump

Basic configuration

Make the Twig extensions available by updating your configuration:

By default only "default" filter enabled, which provide support
for [b], [i], [u], [s], [sub], [sup], [abbr], [br], [hr], [time]

Examples to use the extension in your Twig template

Define BBCode filter in your config.yml:, (*10)

``` yaml fm_bbcode: filter_sets: my_default_filter: strict: false # if you want to parse attr values without quotes locale: ru xhtml: true filters: [ default ], (*11)

And you can do the following: ``` jinja {{'[b]Bold text[/b]'|bbcode_filter('my_default_filter')}} {{'[u]Underlined text[/u]'|bbcode_filter('my_default_filter')}} {{'[i]Italic text[/i]'|bbcode_filter('my_default_filter')}}

``` yaml fm_bbcode: filter_sets: my_default_filter: locale: ru xhtml: true filters: [ default, quote ] whitelist: [ b, quote ], (*12)

After enabling "quote" filter, you can do such things: ``` jinja {{'[quote="helios"]My quote[/quote]'|bbcode_filter('my_default_filter')}}

Also you can define multiple filter sets under filter_sets parameter like this:, (*13)

``` yaml fm_bbcode: filter_sets: my_forum_filter: locale: ru xhtml: true filters: [ default, quote ] whitelist: [ b, quote ] my_comment_filter: locale: ru xhtml: true filters: [ default, block, code, email, image, list, quote, text, url, video ], (*14)

``` jinja {{'[quote="helios"]My quote[/quote]'|bbcode_filter('my_forum_filter')}} {{'[code]My source code[/code]'|bbcode_filter('my_comment_filter')}}

Please keep in mind, that whitelist tags suppress tags, that applied by filters configuration., (*15)

Strip filter

To clear text from any bbcodes use bbcode_clean filter: example: ``` jinja {{'[b]some text[/b]'|bbcode_clean}}, (*16)

This filter will eliminate any known to decoda tags

### Escaping and line breaks

Escaping and line breaks can be controlled via "escaping" and "line_breaks" parameters under filter configuration.
Default configuration for them is 'true'. If you wish to pipeline filters, set escaping to false.

## Advanced configuration

### Overriding messages

Some templates and hooks, use text strings, that can be translated into different languages, the original file
located under decoda/config directory, but content of this file can be overriden with messages option, under
messages: node. File should be json formatted.

      messages: @SomeBundle/Resources/config/messages.json

Adding own templates

Your own templates can be defined at templates node, the example below shows how:, (*17)

            - path: @SomeBundle/Resources/views/templates

Template examples can be found inside decoda library, (*18)

Adding own filter

To enable a custom filter, add it as a regular service in one of your configuration, and tag it with fm_bbcode.decoda.filter:, (*19)

    class: Fully\Qualified\Filter\Class\Name
      - { name: fm_bbcode.decoda.filter, id: your_filter_name }

Your service must implement the Decoda\Filter interface., (*20)

If your service is created by a factory, you MUST correctly set the class parameter for this tag to work correctly., (*21)

Adding own hook

To enable a custom hook, add it as a regular service in one of your configuration, and tag it with fm_bbcode.decoda.hook:, (*22)

    class: Fully\Qualified\Hook\Class\Name
      - { name: fm_bbcode.decoda.hook, id: your_hook_name }

Your service must implement the Decoda\Hook interface., (*23)

If your service is created by a factory, you MUST correctly set the class parameter for this tag to work correctly., (*24)

Then enable it in your configuration:, (*25)

``` yaml fm_bbcode: filter_sets: my_default_filter: filters: [ default ] hooks: [ your_hook_name ], (*26)

### Customize your own emoticons Your own emoticons can be defined at `emoticon` node, the example below shows how: ```yaml fm_bbcode: emoticon: resource: path/to/emoticons.yml
# path/to/emoticons.yml
  - { resource: path/to/another/emoticons.yml }

    url:   # Default: %fm_bbcode.emoticon.path%/my_emoticon.png
    html:  # Default: <img src="%fm_bbcode.emoticon.path%/my_emoticon.png" alt="" >
    xHtml: # Default: <img src="%fm_bbcode.emoticon.path%/my_emoticon.png" alt="" />
      - ":my_emoticon:"

How to automatically dump emoticons on each deploy

Add the following commands to you projects composer.json:, (*27)

# composer.json
    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": [
        "post-update-cmd": [

To customize emoticons assets folders, use path and folder node configuration:, (*28)

# app/config.yml

    path:   # Default: /emoticons
    folder: # Default: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/mjohnson/decoda/emoticons%

The Versions