Symfony bundle to send an e-mail with just one line of code.
It uses "symfony/twig-bundle" and "symfony/swiftmailer-bundle"., (*1)
1. Requirements
Since 2.0, PHP 7.4+ is required and dependency "symfony/twig-bundle" replaces "symfony/templating". It means this bundle now only supports Twig., (*2)
Since 1.3, important changes have been made to dependencies., (*3)
Since 1.2.1, PHP 7.1+ is required.
Before this release, PHP 5.4 is the minimum required., (*4)
2. Installation
Run the command below to install via composer, (*5)
composer require grizzlylab/mailer-bundle "~2.0"
Then enable it in your kernel:, (*6)
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Grizzlylab\Bundle\MailerBundle\GrizzlylabMailerBundle()
3. Configuration
#app/config/parameters.yml (advice, set it in "parameters.yml.dist" also)
mailer_sender_address: #required, will be injected in mailer service
mailer_sender_name: GrizzlyLab #required, will be injected in mailer service
#SwifMailer Configuration
transport: "%mailer_transport%"
encryption: "%mailer_encryption%"
auth_mode: "%mailer_auth_mode%"
host: "%mailer_host%"
port: "%mailer_port%"
username: "%mailer_user%"
password: "%mailer_password%"
spool: { type: memory }
sender_address: "%mailer_sender_address%"
OPTIONAL: You can use your new parameters (defined in parameters.yml) in your SwiftMailer configuration
This way, even if you send an e-mail without "grizzlylab_mailer", the "sender_address" will be the same., (*7)
#SwifMailer Configuration
sender_address: "%mailer_sender_address%"
4. Use
1. Content:
a) By default, the $content argument is the location of a Twig template:
$container->get('grizzlylab_mailer')->send('@AcmeUser/Mail/awesome.txt.twig', $emails);
Rules inside your Twig template:
* use the first line as the subject
* use the rest as the body, (*8)
b) If you just want to use a simple string, set the argument $contentIsATemplate to false
$container->get('grizzlylab_mailer')->send('@AcmeUser/Mail/awesome.txt.twig', $emails, null, [], false);
2. More examples
//send($content, $addresses, $subject = null, array $templateParameters = [], $contentIsATemplate = true, array $sender = null)
//If the content is a template and if the subject is null, we use the first line of the template as the subject && the rest as the body
// for a single recipient, second arguement is a string (e.g. '')
$this->container->get('grizzlylab_mailer')->send($content, $address);
// for multiple recipients, second arguement is an array
$this->container->get('grizzlylab_mailer')->send($content, $addresses);
// you can override the sender
$sender = ['address' =>, 'name' => 'GrizzlyLab'];
$this->container->get('grizzlylab_mailer')->send($content, $addresses, $sender);
// the return value is the number of recipients who were accepted for delivery
$numberOfAcceptedRecipients = $this->container->get('grizzlylab_mailer')->send($content, $addresses, $sender);
That's it!, (*9)
This bundle is under the MIT license., (*10)