GorgLdapOrmBundle is an interface for retrieving, modifying and persisting LDAP entities, using PHP's native LDAP functions., (*1)
Add this bundle to your project in composer.json
:, (*2)
1.1. Plain GorgLdapOrmBundle
, (*3)
Symfony 2.1 uses Composer to organize dependencies:, (*4)
"require": {
"gorg/ldaporm-bundle": "dev-master",
1.2. Declare the use of GorgLdapOrmBundle
, (*5)
// application/ApplicationKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new LK\TwigstringBundle\LKTwigstringBundle(),
new Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\GorgLdapOrmBundle(),
// ...
1.3. Configure the LDAP parameters, (*6)
uri: ldap://ldap.exemple.com
use_tls: false
bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=exemple,dc=com
password: exemplePassword
base_dn: dc=exemple,dc=com
password_type: sha1
Sha1 is the default hashing method. In some cases (such as OpenLdap) the password is hashed server-side,
if this is the case then change password_type
to plaintext
., (*7)
Basic Usage
To use the GorgLdapOrmBundle you have to add annotation to an entity like this example:, (*8)
namespace Gorg\Bundle\Application\Entity;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\Attribute;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\ObjectClass;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\Dn;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\Sequence;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\ArrayField;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\DnPregMatch;
* Class for represent Account
* @author Mathieu GOULIN <mathieu.goulin@gadz.org>
* @ObjectClass("Account")
* @Dn("hruid={{ entity.uid }},{% for entite in entity.entities %}ou={{ entite }},{% endfor %}{{ baseDN }}")
class Account
* @Attribute("uid")
private $uid;
* @Attribute("firstname")
private $firstname;
* @Attribute("nom")
private $lastname;
* @Attribute("alias")
* @ArrayField()
private $alias;
* @DnPregMatch("/ou=([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)/")
private $entities = array("accounts");
public function getFirstname()
return $this->firstname;
public function setFirstname($firstname)
public function getLastname()
return $this->lastname;
public function setLastname($lastname)
$this->lastname = $lastname;
public function getHruid()
return $this->hruid;
public function setHruid($hruid)
public function getPassword()
return $this->password;
* For password use sha1 php function in base16 encoding
public function setPassword($password)
$this->password = $password;
public function getAlias()
return $this->alias;
public function setAlias($alias)
$this->alias = $alias;
public function setEntities($entities)
$this->entities = $entities;
public function getEntities()
return $this->entities;
- Attribute : Use this annotation to map a class variable on ldap object field
- ObjectClass : Use this annotation to attribute to a php entity class an ldapObjectClass
- Dn : Use this annotation to build the dn with twig syntaxe
- Sequence : Use this annotation to define a link with an ldap Sequence Object
- ArrayField : This annotation defines an attribute is multi-valued as an array
- DnPregMatch : This annotation calculates the value of attribute with a regular expression on DN
After you can use entity like this example:, (*9)
$a = new Account();
$em = $this->get('gorg_ldap_orm.entity_manager');
$repo = $em->getRepository('Gorg\Bundle\Application\Entity\Account');
$a = $repo->findOneByUid('john.doo');
Advanced Usage
On can use the @DnLinkArray annotation to map a field and an other ldap object, (*10)
namespace Gorg\Bundle\Application\Entity;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\Attribute;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\ObjectClass;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\Dn;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\Sequence;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\ArrayField;
use Gorg\Bundle\LdapOrmBundle\Annotation\Ldap\DnPregMatch;
* Class for represent Groups
* @author Mathieu GOULIN <mathieu.goulin@gadz.org>
* @ObjectClass("Groups")
* @Dn("cn={{ entity.name }},{% for entite in entity.entities %}ou={{ entite }},{% endfor %}{{ baseDN }}")
class Group
* @Attribute("cn")
private $name;
* @Attribute("gidnumber")
* @Sequence("cn=gidSequence,ou=sequences,ou=gram,{{ baseDN }}")
private $id;
* @Attribute("memberuid")
* @DnLinkArray("Gorg\Bundle\GramApiServerBundle\Entity\Account")
private $members;
* @DnPregMatch("/ou=([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)/")
private $entities = array('groups');
* Set the name of the group
* @param string $name the name of the group
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
* Set members of the groups
* @param string $members the name of the group
public function setMembers($members)
$this->members = $members;
* Set the id of the group
* @param integer $id the id of the group
public function setId($id)
$this->id = $id;
* Add a member to the group
* @param Account $member the mmeber to add
public function addMember($member)
$this->members[] = $member;
* Remove a member to the group
* @param Account $member the mmeber to remove
public function removeMember($member)
foreach($this->members as $key => $memberAccount)
if($memberAccount->compare($member) == 0) {
$this->members[$key] = null;
$members = array_filter($this->members);
$this->members = $members;
* Return the Entities of group
* @param array $entities
public function setEntities($entities)
$this->entities = $entities;
* Return the name of the group
* @return string name of the group
public function getName()
return $this->name;
* Return the id of the group
* @return integer id of the group
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Return the members of the group
* @return array of object Accounts representing the of the group
public function getMembers()
return $this->members;
* Return the name of the group
* @return string name of the group
public function getEntities()
return $this->entities;
After you can use the entity like this example:, (*11)
$a = new Account();
$em = $this->get('gorg_ldap_orm.entity_manager');
$g = new Group()
$repo = $em->getRepository('Gorg\Bundle\Application\Entity\Account');
$a = $repo->findOneByUid('john.doo');
/* Retreve all group of $a */
$groupRepository = $em->getRepository('Gorg\Bundle\Application\Entity\Group');
$groups = $groupRepository->findByMember($a);
Included Features
- manage ldap enity
- persist entity
- delete entity
- retrive entity
- Find in ldap by Attribute
- Find in ldap by References