2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle sinaweibo-bundle

Giko Sina Weibo Bundle



Giko Sina Weibo Bundle

  • Tuesday, January 21, 2014
  • by gikoluo
  • Repository
  • 2 Watchers
  • 4 Stars
  • 64 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
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  • 48 Forks
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  • 3 Versions
  • 0 % Grown



本组件可将新浪微博集成到Symfony2中。 组件提供新浪微博登陆认证,并可利用新浪微博接口进行微博发布等分享行为。 本组件整合FOSUserBundle,保存新浪微博登陆后的用户信息, (*1)

组件仅支持Symfony2.1+, (*2)

## 安装

Step 1. 将本组件 giko/sinaweibo-bundlefriendsofsymfony/user-bundle 添加到 composer.json 文件:

        "require": {
            "friendsofsymfony/user-bundle": "dev-master",
            "giko/sinaweibo-bundle": "dev-master",

Step 2. 使用Git submodules的方式将 ElmerZhang / WeiboSDK 新浪微博代码添加代码库。 或者你也可以通过手动下载的方式下载并解压到对应的目录。

此步骤现在省略吧。 giko/sinaweibo-bundle 中已经自带了一个WeiboSDK copy,而且修改了几行代码来解决一个notiec错误。。, (*3)

          $ git submodule add git://github.com/ElmerZhang/WeiboSDK.git vendor/sinalib

Step 3. 在应用内核代码中注册组件:

          public function registerBundles()
              return array(
                  // ...
                  new FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle(),
                  new Giko\SinaweiboBundle\GikoSinaweiboBundle(),
                  // ...

Step 4. 配置FOS User。

Note: 关于FOS User的更多信息,请参考 https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle, (*4)

    #FOS User
        db_driver:      orm # can be orm or odm
        firewall_name:  main
        user_class:     Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User
        use_listener:           true
        use_username_form_type: true
            mailer:                 fos_user.mailer.default
            email_canonicalizer:    fos_user.util.canonicalizer.default
            username_canonicalizer: fos_user.util.canonicalizer.default
            token_generator:        fos_user.util.token_generator.default
            user_manager:           fos_user.user_manager.default
            group_class: Acme\UserBundle\Entity\Group
                type:               fos_user_profile
                name:               fos_user_profile_form
                validation_groups:  [Profile, Default]

Step 5. 配置新浪微博组件:

``` yaml #app/config/config.yml giko_sinaweibo: file: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/sinalib/saetv2.ex.class.php consumer_key: xxxxxx consumer_secret: xxxxxx callback_url: http://localhost:8000/login_check, (*5)

### Step 6. 使用FOSUserBundle建立你自己的用户模块 建立用户Model,并增加几个新浪微博字段: ``` php <?php // src/Acme/UserBundle/Entity/User.php namespace Acme\UserBundle\Entity; use FOS\UserBundle\Entity\User as BaseUser; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * @ORM\Entity * @ORM\Table(name="fos_user") */ class User extends BaseUser { /** * @ORM\Id * @ORM\Column(type="integer") * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO") */ protected $id; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // your own logic } /** * @var string $sinaweiboId * * @ORM\Column(name="sinaweibo_id", type="string", length=80, nullable=true) */ private $sinaweiboId; /** * @var string $sinaweiboUsername * * @ORM\Column(name="sinaweibo_username", type="string", length=100, nullable=true) */ private $sinaweiboUsername; /** * Get id * * @return integer $id */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * Set sinaweiboId * * @param string $sinaweiboId * @return User */ public function setSinaweiboId($sinaweiboId) { $this->sinaweiboId = $sinaweiboId; $this->setUsername($sinaweiboId); return $this; } /** * Get sinaweiboId * * @return string */ public function getSinaweiboId() { return $this->sinaweiboId; } /** * Set sinaweiboUsername * * @param string $sinaweiboUsername * @return User */ public function setSinaweiboUsername($sinaweiboUsername) { $this->sinaweiboUsername = $sinaweiboUsername; return $this; } /** * Get sinaweiboUsername * * @return string */ public function getSinaweiboUsername() { return $this->sinaweiboUsername; } }

*> Note: config.yml中的callback_url必须与新浪微博接口中回调地址设置一致。, (*6)

Step 7. 建立新浪微博Controller:

``` php get('request'); $sinaweibo = $this->get('giko_sinaweibo.service'); $authURL = $sinaweibo->getLoginUrl($request); $response = new RedirectResponse($authURL); return $response; } /** * @Route("/sinaweibo/login_check", name="logincheck_sinaweibo") */ public function logincheckSinaweiboAction() { echo ""; } /** * @Route("/sinaweibo/callback", name="callback_sinaweibo") * */ public function callbackSinaweiboAction() { /** * @return Response * * @throws AccessDeniedException */ $user = $this->getUser(); $sinaweibo = $this->get('giko_sinaweibo.service'); $sinaInfo = $sinaweibo->getClient()->show_user_by_id($user->getSinaweiboId()); $data = array('user'=>$user, 'weiboInfo' => $user); //your logic here $resp = var_export($data, true); return new Response(', (*7)

' . $resp . '
'); } /** * @Route("/sinaweibo/update", name="update_sinaweibo") * */ public function updateAction() { $request = $this->get('request'); $status = $this->getRequest()->request->get('status'); $lat = $this->getRequest()->request->get('lat', null); $lng = $this->getRequest()->request->get('lng', null); $annotations = array(); $sinaweibo = $this->get('giko_sinaweibo.service'); $data = $sinaweibo->getClient()->update( $status, $lat, $lng, $annotations); //your logic here $resp = var_export($data, true); return new Response('
' . $resp . '
'); } } ``` 增加Route ``` user_login: resource: "@AcmeUserBundle/Controller/" type: annotation prefix: / ``` ### Step 8. 在安全配置中,增加以下设置: ``` yaml #app/config/security.yml security: providers: chain_provider: chain: providers: [fos_userbundle, wodula_giko_sinaweibo_provider] fos_userbundle: id: fos_user.user_provider.username wodula_giko_sinaweibo_provider: id: wodula.sinaweibo.user firewalls: public: pattern: / giko_sinaweibo: login_path: /sinaweibo/login check_path: /sinaweibo/login_check default_target_path: /sinaweibo/callback provider: wodula_giko_sinaweibo_provider logout: true anonymous: true access_control: - { path: ^/sinaweibo.*, role: ROLE_USER } ``` ### Step 9. 在模板文件中,放置新浪微博的登陆按钮 ``` 新浪微博登陆 ``` ### Step 10. 好吧 好吧,我承认,上面的流程太长了点。我不该这么折磨你。其实在 [doc/Example](https://github.com/gikoluo/SinaweiboBundle/tree/master/doc/Example) 中,有现成的代码。按照需要,提取到你的代码中即可。 ----------------------- 如果,咳咳,我的代码对你有帮助,请给我买杯咖啡吧。 通过支付宝捐赠 ----------------------- 使用 新浪微博小组件 @JS-Widget ----------------------- 组件已包含了用户@JS-Widget的模板插件,使用前,需要在你的模板文件的顶部中进行注册: ``` setup() ?>
    <!-- inside a twig template -->
      {{ sinaweibo_anywhere_setup() }}
    <!-- inside a php template -->
    <span id="sinaweibo_connect"></span>
    <?php $view['sinaweibo_anywhere']->setConfig('callbackURL', 'http://www.example.com/login_check') ?>
    <?php $view['sinaweibo_anywhere']->queue('T("#sinaweibo_connect").connectButton()') ?>

    <!-- inside a twig template -->
    <span id="sinaweibo_connect"></span>
    {{ sinaweibo_anywhere_setConfig('callbackURL', 'http://www.example.com/login_check') }}
    {{ sinaweibo_anywhere_queue('T("#sinaweibo_connect").connectButton()') }}
    <!-- inside a php template -->
      <?php $view['sinaweibo_anywhere']->initialize() ?>

    <!-- inside a twig template -->
    {{ sinaweibo_anywhere_initialize() }}

```, (*8)

The Versions

15/05 2012


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13/12 2011