2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle light-cms-tinymce-bundle

Tinymce module of LigthCMS bundle



Tinymce module of LigthCMS bundle

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TinyMCE bundle for LightCMS. If you like TinyMCE as wysiwyg editor, this bundle will be usefull for LightCMS., (*1)


First, you need to install LightCMS if you don't already have it. Take a look on LightCMS bundle projet on github., (*2)

After that, you need to install LightCMSTinyMCEBundle. It's easy :, (*3)

  1. Download FulgurioLightCMSBundle and dependent bundles
  2. Configure the Autoloader
  3. Enable the Bundle
  4. Configure your yml files to use TinyMCE as editor
  5. Configure TinyMCE as well

Step 1: Download FulgurioLightCMSBundle and dependent bundles

Add the following lines in your deps file (you can do at the same time of DoctrineFixturesBundle):, (*4)

``` ini [LightCMSTinyMCEBundle] git=http://github.com/fulgurio/LightCMSTinyMCEBundle.git target=/bundles/Fulgurio/LightCMSTinyMCEBundle, (*5)

Just download the bundle with vendors loading tool : ``` bash $ php bin/vendors install

Step 2: Configure the Autoloader

Add the Fulgurio\\LightCMSTinyMCEBundle namespace to your autoloader:, (*6)

``` php <?php // app/autoload.php, (*7)

$loader->registerNamespaces(array( // ... 'Fulgurio\LightCMSTinyMCEBundle' => DIR.'/../vendor/bundles', ));, (*8)

### Step 3: Enable the bundle Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel: ``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Fulgurio\LightCMSTinyMCEBundle\FulgurioLightCMSTinyMCEBundle(), ); }

Step 4: Configure your yml files

You need to configure LightCMSBundle. Add or complete the following lines into your config.yml file, (*9)

    wysiwyg: fulgurio_light_cms_tiny_mce

That's all ! Clear your cache, and take a look at admin page of LightCMS. Now you have TinyMCE installed !, (*10)

Step 5: Configure TinyMCE as well

Ok, TinyMCE is installed, may be you want to limit options. Just add and change the followed lines :, (*11)

        content_css:      bundles/mybundle/css/styles-tinymce.css
        plugins:          autolink,lists,spellchecker,style,layer,table,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,inlinepopups,media,contextmenu,paste,directionality,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,template
        theme_advanced_buttons1: bold,italic,underline,|,bullist,numlist,|,link,unlink,|,image,code,|,formatselect

If you know TinyMCE, you know that you can change the loaded plugin and the display of tools. As you can see, you can add or remove plugins in, (*12)

        plugins:          autolink,lists,spellchecker,style,layer,table,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,inlinepopups,media,contextmenu,paste,directionality,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,template

line and the tools in, (*13)

        theme_advanced_buttons1: bold,italic,underline,|,bullist,numlist,|,link,unlink,|,image,code,|,formatselect

Easy !, (*14)

Last config : usually, you forget to put the same style of front page into your admin. Here, you can put the same stylesheet into the editor with the line, (*15)

        content_css:      bundles/mybundle/css/styles-tinymce.css

where bundles/mybundle/css/styles-tinymce.css is the loaded css file by TinyMCE, (*16)

If the page link are pink into your content, just put the style class into this file to display link with pink color., (*17)

The Versions

19/02 2018


9999999-dev http://github.com/fulgurio/LightCMSTinyMCEBundle

Tinymce module of LigthCMS bundle

  Sources   Download

GPL GPL-1.0-or-later

The Requires


wysiwyg editor lightcms