2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle mailchimp-bundle

mailchimp bundle



mailchimp bundle

  • Sunday, September 18, 2016
  • by fbeen
  • Repository
  • 1 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 7 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 29 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 7 Versions
  • 17 % Grown



Symfony2 bundle for MailChimp API And Export API, (*1)

Build Status Total Downloads Latest Stable Version, (*2)

License, (*3)

MZMailChimpBundle is licensed under the MIT License - see the Resources/meta/LICENSE file for details, (*4)

MailChimp API Method Supported, (*5)

  1. listSubscribe
  2. listUnSubscribe
  3. listUpdateMember
  4. listInterestGroupingAdd
  5. campaignCreate
  6. campaignSendTest
  7. campaignSendNow
  8. listStaticSegmentAdd
  9. listStaticSegmentMembersAdd
  10. listStaticSegments
  11. campaigns
  12. campaignStats

MailChimp Export API Method Supported, (*6)

1. list, (*7)

Need support for a method not on the list submit an issue, (*8)


Step 1: Download MZMailChimpBundle using composer

Add MZMailChimpBundle in your composer.json:, (*9)

    "require": {
        "mlpz/mailchimp-bundle": "dev-master"

Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:, (*10)

``` bash $ php composer.phar update mlpz/mailchimp-bundle, (*11)

Composer will install the bundle to your project's `vendor/mlpz` directory. ### Step 2: Enable the bundle Enable the bundle in the kernel: ``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new MZ\MailChimpBundle\MZMailChimpBundle(), ); }

Step 3: Add configuration

``` yml, (*12)


mz_mail_chimp: api_key: #Mailchimp API Key default_list: #default list id ssl: true #option to use http or https, (*13)

## Usage **Using service** ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp');

MailChimp API Subscribe user to mailing list in a controller, (*14)

``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp');, (*15)

     * Change mailing list
     * */

     * Get list methods
     * */
    $list = $mailChimp->getList();

     * listSubscribe default Parameters
     * */
    $list->setMerge($array);  //optional default: null
    $list->setEmailType('html'); //optional default: html
    $list->setDoubleOptin(true);  //optional default : true
    $list->setUpdateExisting(false); // optional default : false
    $list->setReplaceInterests(true);  // optional default : true
    $list->SendWelcome(false);  // optional default : false

     * Subscribe user to list
     * */
    $list->Subscribe($email); //boolean

**MailChimp API [Unsubscribe](http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/1.3/listunsubscribe.func.php) remove user from mailing list in a controller** ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); /** * Change mailing list * */ $mailChimp->setListID($id); /** * Get list methods * */ $list = $mailChimp->getList(); /** * UnSubscribe user from list * */ $list->UnSubscribe($email); //boolean

MailChimp API Update user in a controller, (*16)

``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $list = $mailChimp->getList(); $list->setEmail($oldEmail); $list->MergeVars($newEmail);, (*17)

    * Update user in mailing list
    $list->UpdateMember(); //boolean

**MailChimp API [Interest Grouping Add](http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/rtfm/listinterestgroupingadd.func.php) in a controller** ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $list = $mailChimp->getList(); $list->listInterestGroupingAdd( $groupTitle, $groupType, array($group1, $group2) ); // integer grouping ID

MailChimp API create campaign in a controller, (*18)

``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $campaign = $mailChimp->getCampaign(); $campaign->setType($type); $campaign->setSubject($subject); $campaign->setFromEmail($fromEmail); $campaign->setFromName($fromName); $campaign->setHTML($html);, (*19)

    $campaign->create(); //return campaign id

**MailChimp API [send test campaign](http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/1.3/campaignsendtest.func.php) in a controller** ``` php <?php $emails = array('email1','email2'); $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $campaign = $mailChimp->getCampaign(); $campaign->SendTest($campaignId, $emails); // return boolean

MailChimp API send campaign in a controller, (*20)

``` php <?php, (*21)

    $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp');
    $campaign = $mailChimp->getCampaign();
    $campaign->SendNow($campaignId); // return boolean

**MailChimp Export API [List](http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/export/1.0/list.func.php) in controller** ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $export = $mailChimp->getExport(); $options = array('status' => 'unsubscribed'); //subscribed, unsubscribed, cleaned $export->DumpList($options); //return array

MailChimp API Listmemberinfo in controller ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $list = $mailChimp->getList(); $list->getMemberInfo($email), (*22)

**MailChimp API [Import Ecommerce Order](http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/1.3/ecommorderadd.func.php) in controller** ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $ecommerce = $mailChimp->getEcommerce(); $ecommerce->setOrderId($orderId) $ecommerce->setOrderDate($orderDate) $ecommerce->setStoreId($storeId) $ecommerce->setStoreName($storeName) $ecommerce->setCampaignId($mailChimpCampaigId) $ecommerce->setShipping($shippingTotal) $ecommerce->setTax($taxTotal) $ecommerce->setTotal($orderTotal) $ecommerce->addItem($productId, $productName, $categoryId, $categoryName, $qty, $cost, $sku) $ecommerce->addOrder($email) //return boolean

MailChimp API Delete Ecommerce Order in controller ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $ecommerce = $mailChimp->getEcommerce();, (*23)

   $ecommerce->deleteOrder($storeId, $orderId) //return boolean

**MailChimp API [Retrieve Ecommerce Orders](http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/1.3/ecommorders.func.php) in controller** ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $ecommerce = $mailChimp->getEcommerce(); $ecommerce->getOrder($pageStart, $batchLimit, $dateSince) //return array

MailChimp API create static segment in a controller, (*24)

``` php <?php, (*25)

    $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp');
$list = $mailChimp->getList();
    $list->listStaticSegmentAdd('first_segment'); // return int segment id

**MailChimp API [segment member add](http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/2.0/lists/static-segment-members-add.php) in a controller** ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $list = $mailChimp->getList(); $segmentId = $list->listStaticSegmentAdd('first_segment'); $batch = array('test1@example.com', 'test2@example.com'); $list->listStaticSegmentMembersAdd($segmentId, $batch);

MailChimp API list static segment in a controller, (*26)

``` php <?php, (*27)

    $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp');
$list = $mailChimp->getList();
    $segments = $list->listStaticSegments();

**MailChimp API [send campaign to segment] in a controller** ``` php <?php $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp'); $campaign = $mailChimp->getCampaign(); $list = $mailChimp->getList(); $segmentId = $list->listStaticSegmentAdd('first_segment'); $batch = array('test1@example.com', 'test2@example.com'); $list->listStaticSegmentMembersAdd($segmentId, $batch); $conditions[] = array( 'field' => 'static_segment', 'op' => 'eq', 'value' => $segmentId ); $segment_options = array( 'match' => 'all', 'conditions' => $conditions ); $campaign->setSegmenOptions($segment_options); $campaignId = $campaign->create(); $campaign->SendNow($campaignId);

MailChimp API campaigns in a controller, (*28)

``` php <?php, (*29)

    $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp');
$campaign = $mailChimp->getCampaign();
//get all campaigns
``` php

        $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp');
    $campaign = $mailChimp->getCampaign();
    //filters for example campaign_id, you can all the filters in api website
    $campaign->setFilters(array('campaign_id' => 4589));

MailChimp API campaignStats in a controller, (*30)

``` php <?php, (*31)

    $mailChimp = $this->get('MailChimp');
$campaign = $mailChimp->getCampaign();
    $campaign->campaignStats($campaignId); //return array(),  struct of the statistics for this campaign

```, (*32)

The Versions

18/09 2016


9999999-dev http://www.mlpz.mp

mailchimp bundle

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Miguel Perez

api newsletter mailchimp

13/10 2014


dev-API-v2 http://www.mlpz.mp

mailchimp bundle

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Miguel Perez

api newsletter mailchimp

07/10 2014


dev-v1-stable http://www.mlpz.mp

mailchimp bundle

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Miguel Perez

api newsletter mailchimp

07/10 2014

v1.3 http://www.mlpz.mp

mailchimp bundle

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Miguel Perez

api newsletter mailchimp

30/01 2014

v1.2 http://www.mlpz.mp

mailchimp bundle

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Miguel Perez

api newsletter mailchimp

03/01 2014

1.1 http://www.mlpz.mp

mailchimp bundle

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Miguel Perez

api newsletter mailchimp

09/07 2013

v1.0 http://www.mlpz.mp

mailchimp bundle

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Miguel Perez

api newsletter mailchimp