This Bundle adds global settings out of the database integration on top of the Symfony framework. It lets you design application-settings which can be maintained by the owner or administrator from the website., (*1)
Features include:
- Unlimmited setting fields
- Bootstrap ready pages and forms
- Settings can be made and deleted by you developer when you add yourself the ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN in a form
- The value of the setting fields can be changed by the users that have ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR in a form
- The value of the setting fields can be changed by the application
- Five formtypes: text, email, boolean, integer and decimal.
- Form validation dependend on the formtype.
Using composer:, (*2)
1) Add "fbeen/settingsbundle": "dev-master"
to the require section of your composer.json project file., (*3)
"require": {
"fbeen/settingsbundle": "dev-master"
2) run composer update:, (*4)
$ composer update
3) Add the bundle to the app/AppKernel.php:, (*5)
$bundles = array(
new Fbeen\SettingsBundle\FbeenSettingsBundle(),
4) add routes to app/config/routing.yml, (*6)
resource: "@FbeenSettingsBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /admin
5) add routes to app/config/routing_dev.yml, (*7)
resource: "@FbeenSettingsBundle/Resources/config/routing_dev.yml"
prefix: /admin
6) Enable Translation in app/config/config.yml
, (*8)
locale: en
translator: { fallbacks: ["%locale%"] }
7) Configure app/config/security.yml
so that ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN do exist:, (*9)
# ...
8) Update your database schema, (*10)
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
9) Login with an account that has ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN., (*11)
10) Go to the route .../app_dev.php/admin/settings/developer and start to add settings. The form is very easy to use and does not require further explanations, (*12)
11) Go to the route .../app_dev.php/admin/settings/edit and see how administrators can change values, (*13)
Imagine that you made a setting with the identifier shipping_price and that you want to use the setting in your controller:, (*14)
$value = $this->get('fbeen_settings.settings_helper')->getSetting('shipping_price');
Or that you want to render the setting in Twig:, (*15)
{{ setting('shipping_price') }}
Update a setting:, (*16)
$this->get('fbeen_settings.settings_helper')->updateSetting('shipping_price', $price);
Or maybe you want to use a setting as a page-view counter:, (*17)
$helper = $this->get('fbeen_settings.settings_helper');
$counter = $helper->getSetting('page_views');
$helper->updateSetting('page_views', ++$counter);