9999999-dev integration in Symfony2
The Requires
by Albert Juhé
Chartjs integration in Symfony2
Adding charts to symfony 2 using Chart.js 2.4.0, (*1)
Symfony 2 Bundle that allow us to add charts in our projects, using Chart.js 2.4.0 library., (*2)
composer require fados/chartjs-bundle dev-master
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation., (*3)
Then, enable the bundle by adding the following line in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project, (*4)
new fados\ChartjsBundle\ChartjsBundle(),
Configure you config.yml with:, (*5)
chartjs: animation: duration: 1000 easing: easeOutQuart layout: padding: 0 legend: display: true position: 'top' fullWidth: true reverse: false labels: boxWidth: 40 fontSize: 12 fontStyle: 'normal' fontColor: '#666' fontFamily: "'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif" padding: 10 usePointStyle: false title: display: false position: 'top' fontSize: 12 fontFamily: "'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif" fontColor: '#666' fontStyle: 'bold' padding: 10 text: ''
This configuration is for the global configuration of Chartjs., (*6)
Register the routing in app/config/routing.yml
:, (*7)
``` yml, (*8)
fados_chartjs: resource: "@ChartjsBundle/Resources/Config/routing.xml", (*9)
The routing file only have Charts samples http://localhost/xxx/web/app_dev.php/testchart/mainTest Publish the assets: $ php app/console assets:install web Add the required stylesheet and javascripts to your layout: jquery on top (jquery library isn't in the assets, you have to add downloading from
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery.min.js') }}"></script>
Chart.js Javascript:
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/charjsbundle/js/Chart.min.js') }}"></script>
You could only add the javascript or use an extension twig, in the template where you wish to display the Chart, add the following twig:
{{ chartjs_canvas('myPieChart',graphica.width,graphica.height,graphica) }}, (*10)
The first parameter is the Canvas id, its mandatory and must be unique, canvas Width, anvas Height and an array, graphicChart, with an special structure. Array structure for building charts (fados\ChartjsBundle\Model\ChartBuiderData). Sample:
$graphicChart = new ChartBuiderData(); $graphicChart->setType(TypeCharjs::CHARJS_BAR); $graphicChart->setLabels(array('Barcelona','New York','Londres','Paris','Berlin','Tokio','El Cairo')); $graphicChart->setData( array( 'Profit' => array(23,45,65,12,34,45,88), 'Cost' => array(13,34,54,11,34,35,48), ) ); $graphicChart->setBackgroundcolor( array( TypeColors::aqua, TypeColors::dark_green ) ); $graphicChart->setBordercolor( array( TypeColors::aqua, TypeColors::dark_green ) ); $graphicChart->getHeight('150px'); $graphicChart->getWidth('500px'); $grafica->setOptions(" animation: { duration: 0, // general animation time }, hover: { animationDuration: 0, // duration of animations when hovering an item }, responsiveAnimationDuration: 0, // animation duration after a resize" ); $grafica->setDatasetConfig(' pointStyle: \'star\', ');
Controller will be:
public function barAction() { $grafica = new ChartBuiderData(); $grafica->setType(TypeCharjs::CHARJS_BAR); $grafica->setLabels(array('Barcelona','New York','Londres','Paris','Berlin','Tokio','El Cairo')); $grafica->setData( array( 'Profit' => array(23,45,65,12,34,45,88), 'Cost' => array(13,34,54,11,34,35,48), )); $grafica->setBackgroundcolor( array( TypeColors::aqua, TypeColors::dark_green ) ); $grafica->setBordercolor( array( TypeColors::aqua, TypeColors::dark_green ) ); $grafica->setHeight('150px'); $grafica->setWidth('500px'); $grafica->setTitle('Sample Charjs Bar'); return $this->render('ChartjsBundle:test:testChart.html.twig',array('grafica'=>$grafica,'title'=>$grafica->getTitle())); }, (*11)
There are a couple of help classes related to colors and Charts type: ChartsType: Define the Charts that you can render:
CHARJS_BAR = 'bar'; CHARJS_HORIZONTALBAR = 'horizontalBar'; CHARJS_RADAR = 'radar'; CHARJS_LINE = 'line'; CHARJS_PIE = 'pie'; CHARJS_DOUGHNUT = 'doughnut'; CHARJS_POLAR_AREA = 'polarArea';
TypeColors: Define colors, over 250
maroon = '128,0,0'; dark_red = '139,0,0'; brown = '165,42,42'; firebrick = '178,34,34'; crimson = '220,20,60'; red = '255,0,0'; tomato = '255,99,71'; coral = '255,127,80'; indian_red = '205,92,92'; light_coral = '240,128,128'; dark_salmon = '233,150,122'; salmon = '250,128,114'; light_salmon = '255,160,122'; orange_red = '255,69,0'; dark_orange = '255,140,0'; orange = '255,165,0'; gold = '255,215,0'; ..., (*12)
You Could build this array by hand or using a service transformer $grafica = $this->get('app.chartjs.transformer_char'), this service, transform database data to an Array data, prepared to be rendered by Chart.js:
public function transform($type,$data,$fieldLabels,$fieldKpi,$options,$fieldData);, (*13)
$grafica = $this->get('app.chartjs.transformer_char')->transform(TypeCharjs::CHARJS_PIE,$data,'kpi','zone',$options,'average')->toArray();, (*14)
This service has several parameters: Type of chart: $type => TypeCharjs::CHARJS_BAR (use fados\ChartjsBundle\Utils\TypeCharjs;) Database Data
$data=> 0 = {array} [4] zone = "Europe" kpi = "Number of NIUs" average = "1250" 1 = {array} [4] zone = "Asia" kpi = "Number of NIUs" average = "1225" 2 = {array} [4] zone = "Africa" kpi = "Number of NIUs" average = "1235" }, (*15)
Labels in the Chrart:
$fieldLabels => 'zone', (*16)
Indicator field:
$fieldKpi => 'kpi', (*17)
Value Field:
$fieldData => 'average', (*18)
Chartjs options:
$options => graphic options, (*19)
This transform will converto to this structure of array:
$result {array} [2] labels = {array}[3] [0] = Europe [1] = Asia [2] = Africa data = {array}[1] Number of NIUs = {array}[3] [0] = 1250 [1] = 1225 [2] = 1235
## Twig sample
{% extends 'AppBundle:Default:index.html.twig' %}, (*20)
{% block title %}Sample Chart{% endblock %}, (*21)
{% block javascript-head %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %}, (*22)
{% block contingut %}, (*23)
{% endblock %}, (*24)
{% block javascript %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} ```, (*25)
Chartjs integration in Symfony2