9999999-devFabz29CmsBundle is a Symfony Bundle allows a typical user to modify their website directly from the front-end interface
The Requires
fabz29 cms
Fabz29CmsBundle is a Symfony Bundle allows a typical user to modify their website directly from the front-end interface
Fbaz29CmsBundle is a Symfony Bundle allows a typical user to modify their website directly from the front-end interface, (*1)
require kms/froala-editor-bundle
``` yaml // app/config.yml, (*2)
kms_froala_editor: language: "fr" serialNumber: "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" includeJQuery: false includeCodeMirror: false includeFontAwesome: true includeJS: true includeCSS: true imageUploadFolder: "/froala" # Disable autosave saveInterval: 0 pluginsDisabled: ['spellChecker'] imageDefaultWidth: 0 htmlDoNotWrapTags: ['img'] # do not add, (*3)
<, (*4)
p> tag automatically htmlUntouched: true, (*5)
####Override the vendor Unfortunately, in the case you use several editor. You can't load fraola editor because it use an ID for select the DOM element and Symfony doesn't allow to customize the id in form element and the bundle doesn't allow to configure this element. So you have to override the template in the javascript with that ``` twig // vendor\kms\froala-editor-bundle\Resources\views\Form\froala_widget.html.twig {# add the class .froala-editor #} $( document ).ready( function () { $( ".froala-editor" ).froalaEditor({
Also use AJAX to offset this issue doesn't work because of too many ajax request !, (*6)
require fabz29/cms-bundle
``` php // config/AppKernel.php, (*7)
Fabz29\CmsBundle\Fabz29CmsBundle::class => ['all' => true],, (*8)
#### Step 3 : Configure the bundle ``` yaml // config/packages/fabz29_cms.yaml parameters: fabz29_cms: roles_allowed: ['ROLE_ADMIN']
``` yaml // config/packages/routing.yml fabz29_cms: resource: "@Fabz29CmsBundle/Controller/" type: annotation, (*9)
#### Step 4 : Enable manager in Twig ``` yaml // config/services.yml twig: globals: block_manager: '@fabz29_cms.block.manager'
// config/services.yml
$params: '%fabz29_cms%'
, (*10)
in your database at fabz29_cms_block table : Add the html in rich_content field in the fabz29_cms_block table in your data base and set the key_name field, (*11)
in your twig template where the fuc* you want :
{{ block_manager.render('%your_key_name%')|raw }}
, (*12)
The bundle is developped by Fabien Zanetti and can be used only by himself. Copyright Fabien Zanetti. All Rights reserved, (*13)
Fabz29CmsBundle is a Symfony Bundle allows a typical user to modify their website directly from the front-end interface
fabz29 cms