Wrapper for global function in https://github.com/donatj/PhpUserAgent/, (*1)
Installing the # EXS-PhpUserAgentBundle in a new Symfony2 project
Edit composer.json file with # EXS-PhpUserAgentBundle dependency:
``` js
"require": {
//other bundles
"exs/php-user-agent-bundle": "^1.0"
},, (*2)
Save the file and have composer update the project via the command line:
``` shell
composer update exs/php-user-agent-bundle"
Update the app/AppKernel.php
``` php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
//Other bundles
new EXS\PhpUserAgentBundle\EXSPhpUserAgentBundle(),
);, (*3)
## Usage
``` php
// initiate the service
$service = new EXS\PhpUserAgentBundle\Services\PhpUserAgentService();
// Get the detected platform type
// Get the detected browser type
// Get the detected browser version
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute., (*4)
If you have any questions or suggestions please [let us know][1]., (*5)