2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle googlesheets-bundle

This bundle manages Google Spreadsheets sheet operations using Google api.



This bundle manages Google Spreadsheets sheet operations using Google api.

  • Wednesday, May 2, 2018
  • by rumpranger
  • Repository
  • 6 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 48 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 4 Versions
  • 26 % Grown



Very simple wrapper for Google sheets integration, (*1)

What is this bundle doing ?

This bundle provides basic Google API SpreadSheets Sheets Service methods as Symfony services.
Methods: Get|Create|Update|Clear|Delete, (*2)

Installing the # EXS-GoogleSheetsBundle in a Symfony project

Edit composer.json file: ``` js //composer.json //... "require": { //other bundles "exs/googlesheets-bundle": "^0.1" },, (*3)

Save the file and have composer require the project via the command line:
``` shell
composer require exs/simple-mongo-bundle

Update the app/AppKernel.php ``` php //app/AppKernel.php //... public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( //Other bundles new EXS\GoogleSheetsBundle\EXSGoogleSheetsBundle(), );, (*4)

### Usage #### Configuration 1. Set your Google project and get the client secret file.<br>[Click here to obtain your client secret and set project application name](https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/php) 2. Save your client secret file as 'client_secret.json' in your project. 3. Add the client secret file location, project application name and credential location in the Symfony config file ``` php exs_google_sheets: application_name: 'Google Sheets API' credentials: '%kernel.root_dir%/config/sheets.googleapis.com.json' client_secret: '%kernel.root_dir%/config/client_secret.json'

Your credentials will be create by the bundle once you set the file location in the bundle.
Default location: '/Credentials/sheets.googleapis.com.json', (*5)

Create the access token

Create the access token for google api., (*6)

  1. Execute the service via the command line.
    The service will provide you the link to get a verification code. ``` shell app/console googlesheets:execute --function=token

2. Copy the verification code from the link then enter it in the command line. #### Inputs id: Spreadsheets id<br> title: sheet(tab) title<br> header: number of rows for header.<br> data: 2 dimensional array for grid data. ``` php $data = [ [ COL1_HEADER, COL2_HEADER, ...], [ ROW1COL1_CELL_VALUE, ROW1COL2_CELL_VALUE, ...], [ ROW1COL2_CELL_VALUE, ROW2COL2_CELL_VALUE, ...], .... ];


SETUP(Common for all methods).

Inject GoogleSheetsApiService or obtain it from the container., (*7)

ex) Set up an api client with the spreadsheets id that you want to manage., (*8)

``` php $service = $this->getContainer()->get('exs_google_sheets.sheets_service'); $service->setSheetServices(YOUR_SPREADSHEETS_ID_HERE);, (*9)

##### GET Get an existing spreadsheets ``` php $spreadsheets = $service->getGoogleSpreadSheets();

Create the new sheet in Google Spreadsheets.
Return: Number of data rows that are inserted to the new sheet.
If you call the function without data, it will create an empty sheet., (*10)

ex) Create the new sheet with data ``` php $sheetTitle = 'my test sheet'; $data = [ [ COL1_HEADER, COL2_HEADER, ...], [ ROW1COL1_CELL_VALUE, ROW1COL2_CELL_VALUE, ...], .... ]; $response = $service->createNewSheet($sheetTitle, $data);, (*11)

##### UPDATE Update the existing spreadsheets sheet.<br> Return: Number of data rows that are updated to the sheet. If you wants to update only cell values, not the header, define number of rows for the header.<br> ex) Update grid data values only. ``` php $header = 1; $sheetTitle = 'my test sheet'; $data = [ [ ROW1COL1_CELL_VALUE, ROW1COL2_CELL_VALUE, ...], [ ROW2COL1_CELL_VALUE, ROW2COL2_CELL_VALUE, ...], .... ]; $response = $service->updateSheet($sheetTitle, $data, $header);

Clear the entire sheet values.
Return: number of rows that are cleared., (*12)

``` php $sheetTitle = 'my test sheet'; $response = $service->clearSheetByTitle($sheetTitle);, (*13)

##### DELETE Delete the existing sheet in the spreadsheets.<br> Return: Boolean ``` php $sheetTitle = 'my test sheet'; $response = $service->deleteSheetByTitle($sheetTitle);

, (*14)


Create the new sheet with header then update it with data ``` php // setup the service $service = $this->getContainer()->get('exs_google_sheets.sheets_service'); $service->setSheetServices(YOUR_SPREADSHEETS_ID_HERE);, (*15)

// create the sheet $sheetTitle = 'my test sheet'; $data = [ [ COL1_HEADER, COL2_HEADER, COL3_HEADER] ]; $service->createNewSheet($sheetTitle, $data);, (*16)

// update grid data $header = 1; $data = [ [ ROW1COL1_CELL_VALUE, ROW1COL2_CELL_VALUE, ROW1COL3_CELL_VALUE], [ ROW2COL1_CELL_VALUE, ROW2COL2_CELL_VALUE, ROW2COL3_CELL_VALUE], [ ROW3COL1_CELL_VALUE, ROW3COL2_CELL_VALUE, ROW3COL3_CELL_VALUE], [ ROW4COL1_CELL_VALUE, ROW4COL2_CELL_VALUE, ROW4COL3_CELL_VALUE] ]; $service->updateSheet($sheetTitle, $data, $header);, (*17)

```, (*18)


Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute., (*19)

If you have any questions or suggestions please [let us know][1]., (*20)

The Versions

02/05 2018


9999999-dev https://github.com/ExSituMarketing/EXS-GoogleSheetsBundle

This bundle manages Google Spreadsheets sheet operations using Google api.

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The Requires


The Development Requires

by Ex-Situ Marketing

api symfony2 bundle google operation spreadsheets spreadshhets

02/05 2018

v0.2.1 https://github.com/ExSituMarketing/EXS-GoogleSheetsBundle

This bundle manages Google Spreadsheets sheet operations using Google api.

  Sources   Download


The Requires


The Development Requires

by Ex-Situ Marketing

api symfony2 bundle google operation spreadshhets

02/05 2018

v0.2.0 https://github.com/ExSituMarketing/EXS-GoogleSheetsBundle

This bundle manages Google Spreadsheets sheet operations using Google api.

  Sources   Download


The Requires


The Development Requires

by Ex-Situ Marketing

api symfony2 bundle google operation spreadshhets

23/04 2018

v0.1.0 https://github.com/ExSituMarketing/EXS-GoogleSheetsBundle

This bundle manages Google Spreadsheets sheet operations using Google api.

  Sources   Download


The Requires


The Development Requires

by Ex-Situ Marketing

api symfony2 bundle google operation spreadshhets