This bundle provides the ability to use FSM tasks runner in your application., (*1)
, (*2)
, (*3)
, (*4)
, (*5)
$ composer require evheniy/simple-task-fsm-bundle "1.*"
Or add to composer.json, (*6)
"evheniy/simple-task-fsm-bundle": "1.*"
AppKernel:, (*7)
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Evheniy\SimpleTaskFSMBundle\SimpleTaskFSMBundle(),
For using SimpleTaskFSMBundle you need to create state classes., (*8)
For example AppBundle/FSM/StateInit:, (*9)
namespace AppBundle/FSM;
use Evheniy\SimpleTaskFSMBundle\StateAbstract;
class StateInit extends StateAbstract
* @throw \Evheniy\SimpleTaskFSMBundle\Exception\StateException
public function run()
//do something...
Then create FSM manager with this state classes (for example in Command):, (*10)
use Evheniy\SimpleTaskFSMBundle\FSM;
And, (*11)
$fsm = new FSM(array(new StateInit()));
foreach($fsm as $state) {
OR, (*12)
$fsm = new FSM(array(new StateInit()));
while($fsm->valid()) {
If you have exception (You can use Evheniy\SimpleTaskFSMBundle\Exception\StateException) and You need to restart step:, (*13)
$fsm = new FSM(array(new StateWithError()));
while($fsm->valid()) {
try {
$fsm->current()->run();// function run() throws StateException
} catch (StateException $e) {
//do something
You can use a lot of states and they will run one by one., (*14)
$fsm = new FSM(array(new StateInit(), new StateMainTask(), new StateFinish()));
This bundle is under the [MIT][2] license., (*15)
Документация на русском языке, (*16)