Symfony Paysera SMS Payment Bundle.
, (*1)
This bundle uses webtopay/libwebtopay
library for accepting sms payments via Paysera payment gateway., (*2)
composer require ernestre/sms-payment-bundle
, (*3)
- Add bundle to
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Ernestre\PaymentBundle\ErnestrePaymentBundle(),
// ...
// ...
resource: "@ErnestrePaymentBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
id: 123 # Your project id
sign_password: 123 # Your project's sign password
- Configure sms callback route to
in your Paysera project settings.
After each received payment, SmsPayment
entity is created and saved to the database., (*4)
Then SmsPaymentReceivedEvent
event is dispatched containing the SmsPayment
entity with all the payment information., (*5)
Then the action sends NOSMS
response. ( Detailed information about response messages can be found here . ), (*6)
Your job is to create a listener which listens to smsPayment.received
event and do what ever you need with the payment information., (*7)
However, using the NOSMS
response message requires you to send a payment confirmation message back to the Paysera serivce. You can use ernestre_payment.sms_payment.answer_sender
service to generate this response message. Service's send method requires the SmsPayment
entity and response text
(which will be sent to the client). The response text
can be used to send some king of code (i.e. discount coupon) to the client., (*8)