9999999-dev http://www.doctrine-project.orgSymfony2 DoctrineOXMBundle
The Requires
- php >=5.3.2
- doctrine/oxm master-dev
- symfony/doctrine-abstract-bundle 2.0.*
xml oxm
Symfony2 DoctrineOXMBundle
Doctrine OXM is a PHP 5.3 project for PHP object to XML mapping that provides support for persisting the XML to a file system via common Doctrine techniques., (*1)
To use the OXM, you'll need OXM library provided by Doctrine and one bundle that integrates them into Symfony. If you're using the Symfony Standard Distribution, add the following to the deps file at the root of your project:, (*2)
[doctrine-oxm] git= target=/doctrine-oxm [DoctrineOXMBundle] git= target=/bundles/Doctrine/Bundle/OXMBundle
Now, update the vendor libraries by running:, (*3)
$ php bin/vendors install
Next, add the Doctrine\OXM and Doctrine\Bundle\OXMBundle namespaces to the app/autoload.php file so that these libraries can be autoloaded. Be sure to add them anywhere above the Doctrine namespace (shown here):, (*4)
// app/autoload.php $loader->registerNamespaces(array( // ... 'Doctrine\\OXM' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/doctrine-oxm/lib', 'Doctrine\\Bundle' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', // ... ));
Register file with OXM annotations:, (*5)
// app/autoload.php AnnotationRegistry::registerFile(__DIR__.'/../vendor/doctrine-oxm/lib/Doctrine/OXM/Mapping/Driver/DoctrineAnnotations.php');
Finally, enable the new bundle in the kernel:, (*6)
// app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Doctrine\Bundle\OXMBundle\DoctrineOXMBundle(), ); // ... }
Congratulations! You're ready to get to work., (*7)
To get started, you'll need some basic configuration that sets up the document manager. The easiest way is to enable auto_mapping, which will activate the OXM across your application:, (*8)
# app/config/config.yml doctrine_oxm: storages: default: path: "%kernel.root_dir%/doctrine-oxm-storage" xml_entity_managers: default: auto_mapping: true
Full config:, (*9)
doctrine_oxm: proxy_namespace: Test_Proxies auto_generate_proxy_classes: true proxy_dir: "%kernel.cache_dir%/doctrine/oxm/Proxies" default_xml_entity_manager: xem1 default_storage: storg1 storages: storg1: path: "%kernel.root_dir%/doctrine-oxm-storage/storg1" storg2: path: "%kernel.root_dir%/doctrine-oxm-storage/storg2" xml_entity_managers: xem1: auto_mapping: false mappings: FooBundle: annotations metadata_cache_driver: apc xem2: auto_mapping: false storage: storg2 mappings: BarBundle: type: yml dir: %kernel.cache_dir% prefix: prefix_val alias: alias_val is_bundle: false metadata_cache_driver: apc
Symfony2 DoctrineOXMBundle
xml oxm