2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle issues-bundle

Symfony Bundle for digitalkaoz/issues



Symfony Bundle for digitalkaoz/issues

  • JavaScript
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 0 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 4 Versions
  • 0 % Grown



a Symfony Integration for digitalkaoz/issues, (*1)


surely we use composer for that, (*2)

$ composer require digitalkaoz/issues-bundle

enable it in your Kernel, (*3)

// app/AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new Rs\IssuesBundle\RsIssuesBundle(),


Issues Trackers

simply introduce the following structure either in your config.yml or (for sensitive data) in your parameters.yml, (*4)

            - digitalkaoz/issues                                             # concrete repo
            - phpcr/*                                                        # all user/org repos
            - symfony/[Console|Debug]+$                                      # only symfony/Console and symfony/Debug
            - doctrine/(?!common|lexer)([a-z0-9\.-]+)$                       # all but doctrine/common and doctrine/lexer
            - https://jira.com PROJKEY [USER] [PASSWORD]                     # username and password are optional
            - http://gitlab.com/api/v3/ johnsmith/* TOKEN                    # the repo patterns are the same like for github
            - http://gitlab.com/api/v3/ gitlab/[gitlab\-shell|Testme] TOKEN
            - http://gitlab.com/api/v3/ root/(?!six)([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+)$ TOKEN

Storage Adapter

if you are using elasticsearch as a storage you should import the desired mapping and configure elastica, (*5)

    - { resource: @RsIssuesBundle/Resources/config/es_mapping.yml }

        default: { host: localhost, port: 9200 }


include the routing, (*6)

    resource: "@RsIssuesBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
    prefix:   /issues


if you are using elasticsearch as adapter storage (currently the only supported one) you have two ways to sync all the repository informations into the storage:, (*7)

$ app/console fos:elastica:populate # preferred way

or for every other storage adapter, (*8)

$ app/console issues:sync

Then you can visit http://yourdomain.com/issues (or whatever you prefixed the routing with), (*9)


Implementing a new Storage Adapter

simple implement the Storage Interface, (*10)

interface Storage
     * remove old issues and projects
    public function cleanup();

     * save a Project and all its Issues
     * @param Project $project
    public function saveProject(Project $project);

     * get all imported Projects
     * @return Project[]
    public function getProjects();

     * get all Issues for the provided Project-Id
     * @param  string  $projectId
     * @return Issue[]
    public function getIssues($projectId);

afterwards create the service and tag it the default storage:, (*11)

<service id="rs_issues.storage.my_storage" class="%rs_issues.storage.my_storage.class%">
    <tag name="rs_issues.storage" />

Implementing a new Synchronizer

if you implemented a new Tracker (with Projects and Issues) you need to write a new synchronizer. Simply implement the Synchronizer Interface., (*12)

interface Synchronizer
     * synchronizes all Projects and Issues from the Tracker into the Storage
     * @param \Closure $cb
    public function synchronize($cb = null);

     * set the repositories to synchronize
     * @param array $repos
    public function setRepos(array $repos);

afterwards create the service and tag it, (*13)

<service id="rs_issues.synchronizer.mytracker" class="%rs_issues.synchronizer.mytracker.class%">
    <argument type="service" id="rs_issues.storage" />
    <tag name="rs_issues.synchronizer" />

Building the Frontend Code

we use Bootstrap and Sass for Stylesheet processing, and ReactJs + CortexJs for the Javascript Part., (*14)

we provide precompiled Files in this Repo, but dont give a guarantee for them to be up2date. If your willing to fiddle around, follow the next steps, (*15)

simple include the following deps in your bower.json, (*16)

    "dependencies": {
        "bootstrap-sass-official":  "~3.2.0",
        "modernizr":                "~2.8.3",
        "respond":                  "~1.4.2",
        "octicons":                 "~2.1.2"

and the include the following deps in your package.json, (*17)

    "dependencies": {
        "cortexjs":     "^0.6.0",
        "marked":       "^0.3.2",
        "moment":       "^2.8.3",
        "react":        "^0.11.2",
        "reqwest":      "^1.1.2",
        "xss":          "^0.1.12"

after that you should run both package managers:, (*18)

$ npm install
$ bower install

now you should compile everything together:, (*19)

we wont describe that in detail. for processing sass files its easy todo with gulp oder grunt or even assetic:, (*20)

to process the js you could choose from various tools:, (*21)

a sample bower.json, package.json and gulpfile.js is provided in this repo. You should copy them to the root of your project., (*22)

The Versions